A Surprise Part One

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A/N: So, in this story, I'll be switching between Korra and Asami a lot, just because I think it'll work best. Also, keep in mind that this is like two-three years after my last story

Korra and I were sitting on the balcony of the Sato mansion, overlooking the bay. Korra looked really beautiful tonight. I hoped she would be okay with what I was about to ask her.
Two Weeks Earlier
I had finally lost Korra. As much as I wanted to stay with her at the moment, I needed to do this. I headed into the city, and stopped at a shop on Main Street. I opened the door, and a little bell rang.

Asami had finally left. Now I had all the time I needed to work on my surprise. I went to my closet and pulled out something that Suyin had given me. It was one of her meteorites from her collection. I broke off a chunk with my metalbending and began to shape it.

I walked home with the box in my pocket. I have to make sure Korra wasn't around before I took it out and hid it. I also needed to come up with a place to do the thing. I went entered our apartment and didn't see Korra.

"Perfect." I thought, making my way to the kitchen. Korra rarely cooks, so I knew it would be safe here. I hid it in a little compartment in the wall.

I heard Asami come back from work, and heard her go into the kitchen.

"She's probably just getting a snack. She won't come in anytime soon." I thought. I made the last touch to the initial part of the necklace. I would have to go out tomorrow to get my other materials, but I could do that while Asami was at Future Industries. I put the stone inside the box that had originally held the meteorite, and put it in my dresser. I then went into the kitchen, where Asami was, indeed, getting a snack. I snuck up behind her and hugged her. She jumped, surprised.

"Korra! I didn't know you were here." she said, turning around.

"Yup. I've been here all day, sweetie." I replied, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Present Time (back to where this story started)
Asami and I were out on the apartment's balcony that was overlooking the bay. I felt the necklace like a heavy weight in my pocket. I hoped she would say yes. I desperately hoped she would.

A/N: And with that, I leave you! Like always, please vote and leave suggestions!

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