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                                                                     Chapter 1

"Momma" "This is it!" The day I get married, Can you believe it?" Said, Hannah

with excitement, and unbelief that the day is here.

"I can't believe that my little girl is all grown up, Are you sure you want to go through with this?" "You are still young yet and you have hope and dreams that you want to come true before you ever decided to get married." "That is what you said when you were little." said, Cheryl

"No, mom, this is it, I can do my hope and dreams still while I am married." I don't' see me ever having kids at this time so I am good to get my life started and my dreams to come true." replied Diana.

"I guess so." replied Cheryl, in a sad voice.

"Look at my dress momma?"  "Do you think Mark will just love seeing me in it?" Asked Hannah.

"Honey, that man wouldn't know if you have a dress on or walking around nude." Replied Cheryl.

"Momma!" Hannah yelled in a shocking voice.

"I am sorry my dear." "Here it is 1974, and I am not sure if this is what you should be doing in this day in age."  "I know some people marry young, but hun you have to realize you might not make it in the future."
Cheryl said with a worried look on her face.

"I know what is right for me momma, and this man is the right one." Replied Hannah.

"Honey, Mark can't read or write; He wouldn't be the right person for you." " He can't hold a job, how is he supposed to support you?" Questioned Cheryl.

"He might not be able to read or write momma, But he is a good person and I think that is more important than money, and you always said Money can't buy love," Hannah said with a look at wanting so badly to have her mom convinced that Lowell is a person she wants to be married to."

"Oh, Oh!"  "It is time momma, are you ready?"  "Help me put on my veil momma. Replied Hanna."

As Cheryl and Hannah, both hurried to get Hannah's veil on, and have her makeup on, and ready to go. Cheryl knew that there is something wrong with this marriage.

"Do you have something blue or something new, or something old momma?" Hannah asked with a worried look on her face.

"I do honey, This use to be my mom's when she got married, I wore it when I got married, and here is something blue and that is my brooch Necklace, and something new, This right here is what I got you for this day. It is a mother-daughter ring." Replied Cheryl.

"Oh, momma!"  Hannah yelled out with excitement on her face.
"I will never take this off!"  "I swear Momma, Thank you," Hannah said with a hug.

"Are you ready?" Asked one of the bridesmaids, sticking her head in the doorway,

"Yes, I am ready." Replied Hannah.

Hannah looked at herself in the mirror, with a big smile on her face. She took a deep breath and exhaled, and started to walk to the doorway. As she took the first step towards the main room doors, they opened. Her mother and Hannah walked in and then the bridesmaids. The chapel was a small chapel in Attica Indiana. The Chapel had only one room inside it. On the outside, the Chapel was all in white, With a metal fence going around the building. The grass was bright green, and the trees were just perfect for this perfect day. This chapel is like the rest of the town Historic. The city uses to be called Cottrell Village. Now it is called Attica Indiana. Let's get back to the wedding, shall we?

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