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                                                                             Chapter 11

Hannah and Mark agreed that they understood that their baby girl was not able to come home with them, but they were saddened at the same time.

"I hope she will come home soon." Replied Hannah.

The morning came and went and now it is evening time.

Knock, Knock, "hello, you too!" "My name is Billy I will be your evening nurse for tonight, the kitchen ladies decided to give you both something to eat." Replied Billy. "Here is something that you both can use to drink out of, and you will be able to take it home with you." "Here is your tray Hannah, and here is your tray Mark." Replied Billy.

"A nurse will be coming in and give you something to relax, so you can have some good night's sleep, so you can feel better by tomorrow is that okay Hannah?" Asked nurse Billy.

"Billy, isn't that a boy's name?" Asked Mark.

"With a smirk like she had heard this a thousand times before. "yes, That is a boy's name, but when my mother was carrying me she thought I was a boy, so they already had a name picked out for me." "When I was born they seen that I was a girl and will they decided to stick with Billy as my name," Billy said with a smile.

"I think that is a beautiful name for a girl." Replied Hannah.

"Thank you so much for saying that to me, that really made my day." Replied Nurse Billy.

Hannah smiled and said: "Your welcome" as Nurse Billy walked out of the room. "Will I wonder if the food is going to become better tonight?" Asked Hannah.

Mark scooped up some mashed potatoes and put it in his mouth and immediately spit it out and said "these potatoes are way too cold and really gross tasting." Hannah did the same thing and she too spits out the potatoes as well.

"I can't eat this, I am going to call the nurse and see if she can warm this up or something." Replied Hannah as she hit the call button for a nurse.

"Yes, may I help you?" a nurse voice spoke over a speaker.

"Yes, I need a nurse to come in and get our trays of food and see if she can warm up the food for us, we can not eat this food cold." Replied Hannah.

"A nurse will be right in to take care of that for you." Replied the nurse

"Thank you so much." Replied Mark.

"your welcome." Replied the nurse.

Mark and Hannah waited and waited for the nurse to come in, but no one came in for about 30 minutes later after calling them over the speaker. At this time Mark and Hannah were really getting hungry, But they continued to wait for their nurse.

"Mark, Could you please go and ask the nurse and see if they have the food ready?" "Because I am getting the shakes." Asked Hannah.

Mark got up from his chair and headed out the door and seen if there was anyone out in the hall that he could grab instead of walking to the nurse's station.  Once he saw that there was no one in the hallway he walked up to the nurse's station and waited for a nurse or a doctor to come to the station. Mark was getting upset because he felt that he has been there for about 20 minutes and no one is where they should be.

"Hello, ma'am, I need to ask you if you know where our nurse is that we asked to get our foodto it warmed up? the food has never been picked up from our room, and my wife is getting the shakes because she has not eaten yet all day, there are two trays that were given to us. One for her and one for me." Replied Mark.

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