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                                                                Chapter 14

Hannah got off the phone and got up from the couch and went to the bathroom to talk to Mark and let him know what is going on. Hannah approached the bathroom, but Mark was not there so she went to Seth's bedroom to seeing Mark is in there rocking Seth to sleep. Quietly Hannah whispered.

"Mark, I need to talk to you when you lay him down could you come to the living room?" Asked Hannah.

"Yes, I will be there in a few minutes." Replied Mark.

Hanna walked away from Seth's room and waited for Mark out in the living room. As Hannah was waiting she thought to her self of all the things that have to be done before Patrisha gets to come home. Hannah looked around and thought to her self  I need to clean up the house or do something before going to bed. So Hannah looked around and said: "Oh I will get it tomorrow before we leave," knowing that Hannah has a hard time getting up in the morning and not in the mood to do anything.

"God Damn it," "Mark, where the hell are you?" Hannah walked into Seth's bedroom and seen that they were both fast asleep. Hannah tried to wake up Mark after putting Seth in his baby bed. "Mark, Mark." "Wake up please, your sister is coming and I don't want to be out there with her alone." "Wake the hell up!" Demand Hannah.

"Ha?" "What?" I am up, woman!" Mark yelled back

Mark walked out of Seth's room, thinking what in the world is going on with Hanna,  and why my sister is coming to visit. As Mark closed the door and walked down a little hallway to the living room, there was a knock at the door. Hannah Got to the door before Mark did and invited Frank and Gladys into the living room. Frank sat a bag down onto the floor and sat down on the couch. Gladys came in and stood there with such a pissed off look on her face. Gladys felt that they did something to Seth, but lying about it.

"I know your lying to me about Seth," Gladys said sternly to Hannah

"What are you talking about who lied about what?" Asked  Mark.

Hannah knew that the truth would come out, so Hannah interrupted Mark and Gladys conversation.

"Did you bring clothes for Seth?" "I can't wait for tomorrow I really want to see Patrisha, I hope that we can bring her home, but I am worried about where she is going to sleep since Seth still sleeps in his crib, do you think we need to get Seth a little bed that we can put on the floor or something?" "I don't think we are allowed to put them in the same bed together."  "What do you think?" Asked Hannah.

"Where is Seth?" "I know you're not telling me something, What actually happened to him?" Asked Gladys.

"If you are talking about the red mark on Seth's arm... Mark was about to tell Gladys everything.

"I don't know why you are like this, "I told you what happened and you don't believe me," Hannah Yelled back.

"Seth came out of his room screaming he showed us his arm and it looked really bad we put a cold rag on it to bring down the swelling," Hannah said in a mad voice.

"Mark, "I want to know what is going on," "is what she is telling me true?" "Don't lie to me," "because I will not have people lying to me and you know this!" "Tell me the truth!!!" Demanded Gladys.

Mark was about to talk to tell her the truth even though it would really piss off his wife he can't lie to her when she is like this.


"You lesson here Bitch!" Hannah got up from the couch and pointed her finger right in Gladys's face." "I invited you into our home and you are interrogating us?"  If you want to see Seth and Patricia ever again I would knock your shit off!" "Because what you are doing is bull shit, Plan Bull shit!!" Hannah screamed.

Gladys stood there looking right into Hannah's eyes, in Gladys's mind she already came up 110 ways of killing Hannah and getting away with it. The more she was looking at Hannah the more she was seeing what she was thinking, How she can knock her out and pull her by her hair and drag her to the car and shut her hair in the car door and drive off 100 miles an hour and hit every pothole that is all over the road. As Gladys snapped back to reality she realized she was not in a car Gladys decided to back away.

"That's right you better back away bitch, "Because you know you or your husband will never see Seth or Patricia ever again, and you will never be allowed here at this house ever!" Yelled Hannah.

"If I see one God damn mark on Seths or Patricia's body I will not think twice but get these kids away from your psychotic retardedness ass of yours!" "Do you fucking hear me!!!" Screamed Gladys.

"You get the FUCK OUT!!!" "Both of you!!!" "I don't have to put up with this in my own damn home!"

"Frank, grab the bag of cloths we are taking them with us! demanded Gladys."

"Oh, that makes sense he is your God damn nephew he will not have any clothes to see his sister, in why are you punishing him for your stupid actions?" Hannah said dramatically.

"Oh, he will get these clothes only when he stays with us once we turn your ass in for not having a bed for him, or any food, or clothing for both of them, that right there is being the worst mother on earth!" "Once they take them away from you we can try and get the kids and we are gone away from your dumb ass and you will never see the kids EVER!!!" Even if we don't get the kids I will make sure you will not get close to them!" Yelled Gladys.

"GET OUT NOW!!!" "DON'T YOU EVER THREATEN ME!!!" Screamed Hannah.

Gladys and Frank picked up the bag of clothes and walked out the door and slammed the door behind them.  Hannah turned to Mark like she wanted to slap the holy hell out of him. She knows that he can't ever lie to her because he knows what she will do. But instead of slapping him, she went to her bedroom to lay down. Mark stood there with a blank look on his face and asked himself what the hell just happened? Mark walked into the bedroom to talk to Hannah.

"You can't get mad at me because you didn't tell me what you wanted me to say or do before she got here." "You should have talked to me before talking to her in the first place." replied Mark.

I don't want to talk right now Mark, I can't stand that woman and I just want to sleep right now we have to figure out where we are going to get everything for our daughter before she comes home and right now everything is closed.

Mark stood there thinking, But what he wanted to say why don't you get the father to get the crib for her instead of me having to worry about this, knowing that would upset her, even more, Mark kept his mouth shut and Mark climbed into bed with her and didn't say a word.

Waaaaa, Waaaa, Waaaa with a high pitch scream Seth let out because no one was coming to his aid. as Seth kept screaming and screaming for an hour, then all at once there was a knock at the door. Mark and Hannah were in a deep sleep they didn't hear the door or Seth screaming and crying in his room. Pound, Pound, Pound at the door, Hannah finely woke up and look to see who is at the door.

"Hello?" Hannah replied

"Yes, I am officer Briggs, there has been a complaint of a screaming child for an hour. I also have been standing here for quite some time just to get you to answer the door."  Replied Officer Briggs.

"I just woke up, we had a long night we do have to get ready to bring my daughter home from the hospital tomorrow." Replied Hannah

"So you didn't hear your son screaming and still screaming and you look like you are not worried about why he is screaming?" Replied officer Briggs.

"I answered the door to see who it was first." Replied Hannah

"Mama, you have to realize children come first before the door, so get your child right now or I am going to call in the child protection services." Replied Officer Briggs.

"Let me go get him" replied Hannah.

"At this time Hannah forgot about Seth's arm on why being all red so she went into the bedroom and Picked up Seth and carried him to the door."

"See he is fine." Replied Hannah

"How did get that mark on his arm?" Asked officer Brings.

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