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Michael confronted Pete once again. There was something that had bugged him for the past few days, he couldn't stand looking at the boy with red dyed hair for that been same reason, he felt disgusted and furious... perhaps he had gone bonkers?

"You're so unbelievable." Pete glares angrily at Michael's back. While trying to catch up to the taller male who was dragging him downstairs Pete tries to yanks his arm back.

Michael tighten his grip, "How am I unbelievable? I'm not the one acting like a conformist behind our backs." He takes a drag from the cigarette he had on his other hand and kept the roll of nicotine in between his faded chapped lips. He used his free hand to open the door in front of him.

"You've gone delusional. " Pete scoffed and flips his hair.

Michael let out a low growl before shoving the youngest male out the front door. "Shut up. Conformist." He takes his cigarette away from his lips after inhaling more of the toxic smoke.

Pete stumbled but was able to stop himself from eating shit. "Don't call me a conformist you fucken dick!" His jaw clenched.

"Ohh joy, I'm scared. What are you going to do? Cry again?" He scoffs, giving Pete a look of disgust.

Pete couldn't help feel frustrated and wonder what he had done wrong. He was extremely confused as to why Michael had embarrassed him in front of the others.

Michael burns out the cigarette with the snow sitting on the porch.

Pete moved his fringes out of the way. "You're really immature, for your age. " He clenched his hands into fists.

"Well look at you, such a conformist wannabe poser, who cries all the time even for the most stupidest reasons such as bugs and My Chemical Romance's break up." He turned around. A small grin appears.

Pete looked away, not answering. He didn't want to fight. Well he didn't find any pleasure in fighting with any of the members of his small clique.

There was no answer. Did he go to far? Michael wonders to himself before shaking it off, why would he care in the first place? "What can't defend yourself?" Michael asked.

Pete crossed his arms, still not making any eye contact with Michael. "F-Fuck you douchebag. I have enough, let me in-"

The raven-haired interrupts him, without a care.. "No, Now way in hell."

"Damn it! It's bloody cold! I'm fucken freezing outside. How long are you going to keep this up?" Pete flips away his bangs, his body was shaking and it was becoming noticeable. They where in the middle of winter. There was also news that another snow storm was coming but that didn't seem to matter at the moment. "Whatever." Pete walked passed him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Michael angrily stared at him.

"Back inside." Pete rubbed the look off and walks inside.

Michael follows him. "You can no longer hang out with us, you're a poser."

Pete cringed at the words. Michael was starting to displeasure him."No one tells me what to do." Pete walks up stairs to Michael's room where Henrietta and Firkle were just about to exit. "Where are you going?" He flips his hair.

Firkle sighs and looks away while he clings onto Henri's long black dress. "We are leaving." Henrietta rolled her eyes.

"Why?" Michael walks up behind Pete.

"Because we're tired of being in the middle of your fights, it's so annoying. All we do is sit and watch. Until the BOTH of you settle things we won't hang out with neither of you." Henrietta glared at the both males standing in front of her. Michael was expressionless as for Pete, he seemed a bit upset.

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