Hand job

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"Can't believe that asshole! He thinks he can just touch-" Michael nagged and nagged until they reached his house. Not a minute after the two goths enter his house. Michael's step mother cut him off.

"Michael! Michael!" She yelled from the kitchen to the front door where the boys were taking off their coats.

Michael rolled his eyes, "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy God!" He slowly pushed Pete up the stairs.

The women crossed her arms. "What have I told you about bringing boy fwiends here!"

"They're just friends!" Michael checked to see if Pete had gone into his room, "Stop being such a conformist bitch." He turned to glared at her.

"Do not speak to me that way mister! How I know you two are not havin' sex eh? How I know that ugly haired boii and you are not more than fwiends eh!?" Her voice got louder every second. It irritated Michael.

"Tch, Whatever." He walks up stairs.

"Eh? Michael! Come back here!" His step mother yelled.

Michael was getting pissed, why was she always up his ass!? "I don't want to! I have important things to do!"

"Oooo yea? Like wha? Kissing yo boyfwiend?" She stomped her way up stairs behind him.

"Exactly." He smiles at her before closing the door in her face.

"Michael! Oooo that damn kid!" She fisted her hands. Before taking a few deep breaths and left elsewhere.

Michael let out a sighed. "Ugh I hate my her. Trying to act like my mom and shit!" He scratches his head, "she's so embarrassing. I swear!"

Pete glanced at him. "Mhm.."

"What are you doing?" Michael raised a brow.

"Looking for scissors." Pete kept shuffling into Michael's crap.

Michael walked up to him. "For what?" He grabs the pair of scissors from his desk and hands them to Pete.

Pete takes them, "You'll see.." he grabs his fringes and held the scissors up. Cutting a few strings of hair before Michael freaked out.

Michael's eyes widen "Hey, what the hell are you doing!?" He snatched the scissors away.

The younger goth rolled his eyes, "It's hair it'll grow back." He tries to reach them back.

"Stupid ass, you're going to fuck up your hair even more." Michael smiled as he held the scissors higher.

Pete gave him a glare as he tries to reach for them. "Shut up!" He crosses his arms, Michael was enjoying seeing him struggle. "Whatever." He jumps on Michael's bed, letting out a heavy sigh.

He put the scissors somewhere Pete wouldn't reach. Over his bookshelf. "You heard?" Michael asked.

"I'm pretty sure the entire fucken neighborhood heard. You're damn step mom doesn't know how to close that mouth of hers." Pete threw a pillow at the taller male.

Michael catches it before it hits him. "Hey, I'm only allowed to talk shit about her."

"Yeah, whatever." Pete pouts.

The older goth sat next to him. He places the pillow back in its place and pats Pete's head. "What? You're upset?"

"No." Pete slapped his hand away.

"Then What's going on in that head of yours?" Michael lifts his chin.

The younger goth backed off. "Your mom thinks we're fuck buddies right?"

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