Peeping Tom

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Part II

Mike sticked his head out the window. "Why should I believe you? More like how could I believe anything that comes out that mouth?" He pouts. "Purr 'se.."

Michael undid some of his buttons. "Watch for yourself." He runs his fingers through his hair. "I only ask for you to hide, I wouldn't like it if Pete felt uncomfortable knowing he's being watched. The greatest part of this is that I don't have curtains, yet. So enjoy." He closed the window and backed away.

"Yeah right! I'll leave him alone if you can even get him into bed!" Mike closed his curtains.

Michael heard the water stopped, Pete would be out soon so he clear out his bed. He took out the black bag and placed it on his nightstand. The first thing in his mind was apologizing, he had been a huge dick to Pete and he did go to far as in hurting him more than he planned to.

Pete came out, his eyes were half closed, red and puffy, his hair was still soaking wet and all he had on was a an over sized shirt and Michael's sleeping boxers.

Michael walked up to him and shook his head. How could he have been so selfish and not consider Pete's feeling. He took the towel from Pete's hands and properly dried his hair once he was done he tossed the towel to a chair and lifted Pete's head. "I could have done that myself." He mumbles.

Michael smiled, he caressed Pete's cheeks. "Sorry, I know I was a huge jerk and I'm aware I should have deal with the problem differently. I'm a huge turd." Michael kissed his forehead.

Pete closed his eyes, his eyebrows frowned and he sucked in his bottom lip. Michael could see the tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "Don't cry, I've made you cry enough already, please stop." But the tears began to roll down his red cheeks. Michael really went to far. He kissed his nose, "Now now..." he hugs Pete tightly letting him cry as much as his heart desired.

Pete hugged him back, he missed him way to much. "You're a huge Asshole..." he mumbled.

"I know.. I'm the biggest douchebag in the universe. I'm sorry, how should I make it up to you?" Michael stroked Pete's hair.

Pete felt a lump in his throat, his blood rushing to his face and his body stared shaking. Michael lifts his chin up, there was a sparkle in his eyes. He looked so needy and it turned him on.

"I see." Michael carries Pete bride style to the bed.

"I've been very lonely you know..." Pete pouts.

"So cute." Michael kisses Pete on the lips.

Vampir sneakily crawled over to his window. He slightly opens his curtains and takes a peek. His eyes widen, "No way..." he shook his head. "Ah.. Per'se...?"

He kept peeking, both the Goths were going at it. It almost seemed like they were sucking the life out of each other.

They were like animals ripping off their clothes, pulling at each other's hair, digging their claws to one another. At least that's how it looked like to Mike. But Michael was being gentle, he let Pete sit on top of him, he took advantage of that to let his hands slide under the boxers while Pete was undoing Michael's shirt.

The both separated and take off their remaining clothes. Michael took off his suspenders and belt. Just seeing the younger goth in his boxer's turned him on even more. But he wasn't the only one with an erection there was a certain peeping Tom next door. Michael licked his lips. "Can you take it off?" He requests.

Mike could feel his blood rush as he saw Pete remove his boxers, revealing what he wished was an up spring surprise. He looks away but looks back. He couldn't believe what was happening. Michael took his man!

Although he was mad he couldn't glue his eyes off of them. But the moment he looked back, Michael was sucking Pete's perky nipples.

"Michael..." The younger goth whimper. "I didn't want this." Michael wiped his mouth. "What do you want?" He felt unsettled.

All Mike could see was Michael nod and grab a black bag taking out a God damn box of condoms and lube. Mike started to write little notes. "Ohh my.. Per'se."

Michael poured some lube on his hand, coating at least three fingers. "Pete, turn over." The younger goth follows orders. He bites his lip and raises his hips. Michael inserts his fingers one by one.

Pete covered his mouth, muffling his moans. Once Michael finishes, preparing him he takes out his member and leaning against him. "Is it okay?" Michael kisses the back of his neck. Pete gripped onto the pillow and nod okay. Michael slowly inserted himself in. Pete shuddered, it was painful but he won't dare to say it. Michael let a minute go by just so Pete could adjust to the feeling. He then proceeds to pull out and slowly thrusts, slowly picking up the pace little by little.

"AHH!!" Pete's yelped was loud enough to be heard next door.

"Does it hurt? Should I pull out?" Pete buried his face in the pillow. He didn't give a reply and Michael couldn't see his face but could feel him tremble. "I'm going to pull out." He whispers gentle.

Pete tightly clings to the pillow. "It doesn't matter if it hurts. I don't want us to separate again.. So don't pull out." But Michael disobeys, making Pete whimper.

He turns him around and throws the pillow to the floor. "Seems like you loved that pillow more than me." He smirks.

Pete only frowns. "Don't bully me jerk!" Michael leans in to kiss him.

"Sorry, I just want to see your face when you cum." Michael continues to kiss him and inserts in him slowly, making sure to be gentle this time. Not hurting the fragile boy underneath him and making him cum in just seconds. And so Michael continued to pleasure Pete until he couldn't take it anymore.

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