Cry baby

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Part I

The wind was harsh and the rain was heavy. The male Goths had just left Henrietta's place, now driving to Firkle's. It was quiet, Michael was paying attention to the road. Firkle was glued to his phone while Pete was blankly staring out the window. Trees looked as they were about to fall any moment. Pete sighs he couldn't think of anything to say.

The both, as referring to him and Michael. Had gotten into an argument about two weeks ago. Michael bursting out on him, saying to much, hurting Pete for accidentally ruining his jacket. Michael had succeed in harming Pete's feelings after he had apologize multiple times.

Pete felt horrible, Michael wasn't talking to him at all. He had spent most of the money he was saving to buy creepers and new winklepickers on Michael, he had gotten him two band tees, a sick skull shaped mug, an autographed poster and two vip tickets to a never ending Nine Inch Nails concert. Only to see Michael throw everything in the trash right in front of him, then getting kicked out.

There's no way Pete could hide that fact that he's been crying all this time. His eyes were red and puffy most of the time.

Something eyeliner can't away help with. Others might see it as if it was only a fight, but Pete saw it another way. He didn't feel like he was losing a friend it was more complicated then that. He felt he had lost his first love or perhaps I could say his lover? His boyfriend... Ex boyfriend per see.

The car came to a stop, Pete realized they were in front of the youngest goth's home. He turns to look at Firkle. The both giving each other a faint smile before Firkle fled into his house.

Now it was only Michael and himself, alone in the car. Yet again the only sounds surrounding them where the sounds of the engine and the rain drops hitting the roof above them.

The younger Goth took out his headphones. He caught a glimpse of Michael before putting them on. He stared out the window before his eyes become heavy slowly giving up. Making him drift into a deep sleep. Nights had been harder, sleeping was difficult with all the nightmares he gets. Pete missed the warmth of Michael's body when they curled up together to cuddle. Now everything feels cold and dark.

The car suddenly stops making Pete wake up, it took him a few minutes to realize where he was. "Ahhh right Michael's car.." Pete looked outside the window. The rain had stopped but... the place seemed off "Why are we here?"

Michael sighs. "This is where I live."

"Crap I said that out loud. How embarrassing." He thought. "You should have taken me home." Pete's could feel his cheeks burn up.

The older male puts the lock after getting out. "Well, I don't want to take you."

"Michael.. Uh." Pete struggle to get his words out.

"Hurry up and get inside or you'll catch a cold." Michael glares at him

Pete got out of the car. He looked around nervously. "...I wanna go home..."

"How annoying." The taller Goth just rolled his eyes. "It's getting dark already. I'm not driving all the way to your house it's going to rain again. Now get inside."

Pete twiddle with the laces of his bolo tie. Michael gave an odd vibe, Pete wasn't sure if he even wanted him here. He flipped his hair, took a deep breath and sucked it up.

Shivers ran up his spine. "Shit. It's so cold.." He rushes to catch up with Michael.

They were in a different area Pete didn't know much about. It wasn't a crappy neighborhood, but he had a bad feeling it was kind of creeping him out. Pete started feeling anxious, He was the first one to rushed into Michael's house once he unlocked the door of course.

"Your neighborhood is fucken weird." Pete's never been more paranoid.

"Yeah, you have yet to see the worse part of this place. Anyways you can sleep on my bed." Michael pointed up stairs "Just go to the right and take a left at the last door. I need to get some stuff out of the car. If you're going to take a shower you can borrow some clothes they're in a box's that says 'Fuck Off' and there's a towel somewhere in my room."

Pete sighed, he still felt unwanted. He made his way up Michael's room. He decided he would take a shower he saw the towel hanging for the door and took it. He notices all of the boxes had "Fuck Off!" written on them. "Ooh what great help you have been." Pete sighs after finding the box full of clothes. He was shocked to see some of his briefs in there. He would expected Michael to toss them away.

Michael jogged to his car, it started to sprinkle. He opens his trunk and looks around. One thing he hated the most about this neighborhood was all the damn leakers. He opened a box he had full of book and shoved a black bag inside. He takes out the box, closed the trunk and put the alarm. Michael took another look around before heading back in.

He flicked the lights on, placed the box on top of his bed and began to unpack. That was until he heard the unpleasant voice of Mike also known as Vampir but of course non of the Goths were going to play along with his wanna be vampire game. It was so lame.

"Hii there neighbor! Per'se ~" Mike smiled widely showing his fake fangs.

Michael took a deep breath. "What do you want Count Fagula?" He turned around with his arms crossed.

"Well I heard you have a friend over. Per'se." The Vamp bit his lip and lend against his window. "Mind telling whom you've brought home?"

"That's non of your business." Michael walks to his window.

"Ahh that's where thee is wrong. It's very much my business for I was told it was my beloved Petey!~" Vampir started making goofy faces.

It was an uncomfortable sight for Michael, mostly because he hated Mike's guts. "That you wish." He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever do you mean per'se?"

"Pete being yours. He wouldn't stand being locked in a room with you for five minutes." Michael smirks. "You should know by now that he's head over heels for me."

Mike's blood began to boil. "Humph, then we shall see about that. I will be his first."

"No can do queermo, I've already done that. I don't plan on letting you lay a finger on my boyfriend. You see we have our ups and downs but my love for him is indescribable while you're undesirable." Michael smiles, feeling very pleased.

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