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Part I

It was extremely late, most likely past midnight. Pete sneaks inside Michael's room. He slowly crept to Michael's bed so he wouldn't have to wake anyone up. It's not like he cared if he did but he sure as hell didn't want anyone but Michael to see him. "Michael." He whispered and tapped his shoulder. The older Goth didn't move a finger. "Michael..." Pete shook him harshly.

Michael lazily slapped his hand away. "Hmm.. five more minutes.." He groans..

Pete scoffed he wasn't going to spend five minutes trying to wake him up."Wake up you dickwad!"

"Ugh..." Michael forces himself up. "Crap, what the fuck are you doing here?" He growled.

Pete fidgets. "This better be good." Michael rubs his eyes, his vision was slightly better. He reached under his pillow to pull out his phone and stared at it with squint eyed for a few seconds before everything focused then checked the time. "Fuck its not even six." The raven glared at Pete.

Pete's red and black fringe covered most of his face. "What's wrong?" Michael put his phone down.

Pete's face was a light tint color of pink. "I'm sorry." His eyes didn't make contact with Michael's. "It's just..." His bottom lip quivered and his body began to shake.

"Mm?" Michael hummed. He couldn't see clearly but he knew the younger one wasn't okay.

Pete didn't reply, it was more like he couldn't find words to describe what was going on. He got fusteraed and as a result to that he began to panic.

Michael noticed he was shaking, he shifts to make room for Pete. "Come on hop in." He rubs his eyes again and yawns. It was too early for his shit so he thought but didn't mind that much when it comes to Pete. It's been a while since they've seen each other so he wasn't complaining.

Pete kicked his shoes off and slowly crawled into bed with him. He curled into Michael's side. Michael was already snoring softly. "Hey." He pinched his nose.

"Mmm?" Michael hummed.

"Don't fall asleep on me now.." Pete let go.

Michael lift his head up and rest it on his hand. "Alright.." He looked down at Pete who was snuggling his side, he then realized Pete's lip looked swollen then he saw the dry blood under his nose but didn't look broke. Michael sighed.

He slowly sat up. Afraid to hurt the fragile boy. "Wh-Where are you-"

Michael interrupts. "Shh, I'm not going anywhere. Okay?"

Pete nods in return.

He reached over to his bedside table and turns on the lamp. Michael grabs some vaseline he had laying around. He turns back to Pete who had already siting up. Pete pinned his fringe back. He looked at Michael, he could see how relief he was.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Michael asked.

Pete stays silent for a moment, he tried to speak but he couldn't seem to find the right words. His cheeks started to burn up, his eyes began to get teary and started shaking again.

Michael knew he would get this way. He knew Pete too well, he was never good at expressing anything but anger and when he tried he would only break into tears. Michael sighed again and reached over to hug his partner. How could he have hidden something like this for so long? He wonder, everything was so clear now. All those times Pete missed school , his nervous ticks and always spent his money on makeup. Michael was just relief to see he only had minor injuries.

For the short time the both started this relationship they have never been this close. Usually they never met out of school or their group met ups. Once in a while Michael pulls him away from the group to make out or go to Pete's work place. After his mom died about two years ago his dad suddenly appeared. The Jackass thought that he would be able to rip off some money or anything valuable Pete's mother would have given him, little did he know was that the day he abandoned them he left them with nothing and that's how it's been since. Pete wanted him to leave but if he did he would have been put in the system. Pete had no family, maybe he did but he never got to meet them it has always been his mother and him. So as much as he didn't want this he begged Ray to stay. As a result of that Pete had to go through things he didn't expect. Ray started getting bossy obviously Pete wasn't going to let himself be pushed around but Ray got more aggressive. He'd drink day and night. Pete had stopped smoking as much now that he's didn't have much money to spend. Things became worse when Ray found out he was dating a guy. He wouldn't allow Pete to go out and he didn't even work which was hard for Pete. Pete ran away once when Ray was asleep but he come back. He had nowhere he could go, more or less he didn't want to bother his friends with his problems.

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