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Part III

Michael's eyes stayed glued on Pete and his every move. The way his fidget, shuffles around and the way he looked up at him with such lustful eyes. The taller male's face was bright red, seeing as he had always wanted to see the site in front of him come to life for so long he couldn't help be a bit embarrassed as his dick raised. Pete swirled his tongue around the tip and continue to stroke the base of Michael's hard on, Michael twitched. The youngest had been teasing him to much he'd become sensitive on that certain part.

Pete licked his bruised lips before taking more of his partner's erection into his mouth.

Michael's grip tighten. He swings his head back as he endors the warmth of Pete's mouth. He couldn't help but shiver a bit. Pete slowly bobs his head as he tries to adjust his position better. He lowers his head, taking in a little more of Michael's cock in his mouth. Pete pressed his tongue against the harden eraction, he rubbed and swirled it as he bobbed his head. Once he had a rythem he begins to jerk the bottom half.

Michael grunts and moans, he chewed on his bottom lip as he tries to contain himself from mouth fucking Pete. If he knew Pete was this great at giving blow jobs he would have fucked him the minute he had confessed. "That's... Enough." Michael yanks his hair back. Petes lips left contact with a trail of saliva. He looked up at Michael with red cheeks. "Was I that bad?" Pete wiped his mouth.

Michael contain himself from laughing, he gave Pete a gentle smile. "No, not exactly." He placed his dick back into his pants.

Pete tugged his red and black hair back. "Why stop?"

"Because I rather fuck you senseless." He smirked.

Pete smiled and excitedly took his blood stained shirt off, tosses it on the floor. He stands up and pulled Michael by his sweater, the both looked at each other with excitement clearly shown in there eyes. Michael's grin grow bigger he leans down and forcefully presses their lips together. Michael leans down to pick Pete up.

The boy with red and black hair pulled away. He smirks and leans toward Michael's ear to whisper something. Michael's eyes darken and dumps Pete on the bed. "Are you sure, you want to talk to me like that?"

Pete smirked and undid his jeans. "Punish me Master~". He tried his best to not laugh.

Michael pulled them off by the belt loop. He just want to rip his brief off and so he did without thinking. Pete eyes widen, he stared at Michael with disbelieve but a small grin smeared on his face. "Those we're my favorite, how will you repay me? Michael." Pete bites his finger tip while his other hand slides down his stomach to his crotch, Michael's eyes followed along, Pete closes his legs and shows his cute little ass. "You think you have any right in say?," Michael gave him a side smirk and crawls on the bed and lays beside Pete. His back pressed against Michael's chest. Pete turned his face and stares at Michael's brown eyes, the both's lips just inches apart. "Suck it." Without given a word to say, Michael shoved his fingers inbetween Pete's slightly chapped lips.

The boy with red hair lifts his head up to suck better, his tongue slides inbetween every finger, coating it with his saliva. "M-mmph." Pete tries to keep it in but it drools to the side of his mouth. His lower area starts to ache as he was about to reach to jerk himself off.

"No way," Michael takes his fingers out. "I want to see you cum from the back." He signs Pete to spread his legs.

Pete pulled his torn, black briefs, down and spread his legs wide open. He obeys like a dog and Michael smirked proudly. His hand glide down his side to of Pete's hips, slowly going down his inner thigh to his entrance. Michael rubbed against it before he inserts a finger, adding another digit after a few moments.

It felt odd and Pete wasn't enjoying it at all. Michael dig his fingers in deeper to press against an odd lump. Pete couldn't help but gasp, he had actually felt something that felt good. Pete's covered his mouth in order to contain the weird sounds coming out of him. As Michael thrust his fingers in and out making sure to touch Pete's prostate.

Pete tugged at Michael's pants, he felt his cum drip onto the bed sheets, he tries to hold the rest in but his cum keeps dripping. He pressed his legs together and shakes uncontrollably. He lifts his head up and looks at Michael with glossy eyes. "So soon?"

Michael took his fingers out. "I think you should put it in." Pete's face flushed bright red, while Michael whipped this hands on bed and sat up. He grabbed a pillow and placed it behind his back. "Are you scared little kitten?" Michael teased.

Pete glared at him, his eyes shot down to the other's lower half, where he was a little busy pulling out his life saber . (I'M WATCHING STAR WARS I'M SUPER SORRY I JUST COULDN'T PASS THIS)

Pete chew on his bottom lip. Michael signed him to get closers, a disgusting grin on his face. He pushes himself up and continued to chew his lip, although he was starting to slightly hate that grin it turned him on. He crawled on top of the other goth, "I.." Pete's cheeks burned up.

The youngest stood on his knees, he turned back to see if he was position correctly. His eyes quickly looked at Michael. "What is it?" Pete shook his head at Michael's serious voice. He turned back to slowly place Michael's cock to his entrance.

Tears streamed down his face as the sharp pain crossed his body. He felt as if he'd be torn into two. "I can't do it." His leg shake and his hips twitch. Pete wasn't even an inch in. Micheal on the other hand didn't quite understand the other's pain. "I'll help you, if you beg."

Pete was hesitant to speak. His eyes wonder away from Michael while he chewed his lip, debating on his own.
Michael grips on Pete's waist, Pete's eyes shot back at Michael's. The raven's looked dark as if he'd been holding in the real deal. "Wait- ohh!" Pete panicked, before the other  rams into him. "H-hurts." Pete hung his head, Michael felt his shirt move so he looks down, something hits his shirt again, damping it. It was Pete's tears, he lossen his grip. "More." He looks up with his eyes filled with tears and a smile on his face.


I'm sorry you had to read this, I myself didn't even bother re-reading this

I SWEAR I hate this so much. I couldn't enjoy it... I don't like anything about it! I'm so damn disappointed in this.. that's why it ended the way it did I just couldn't AHHHH I HATE IT SO MUCH I MIGHT CRY!! Abuse came out nothing like I planned it to be. But it's funny how you can see how interested and passionate I was at first then everything went downhill to wtf? And an emotionless Michael 😂 12 out of 10 am I right?!

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