Hell Pass Hospital

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"They're letting you out in three days." Michael came in with two cups of coffee.

Pete rolled his eyes. "Why so long?" He pushes himself up from the hospital bed. He flinches as the sudden shot of pain rushing across his body.

"You're in suicide watch remember?"

Michael moved his head towards the cop standing by the door. Pete's eyes darken, it's only been five hours and he can't even go to the bathroom alone. Nor go outside to have a smoke, the damn cop was up his ass 24/7. Michael placed the cup on a table and slumped on the chair beside it, a furious expression clearly shown on his face.

Pete didn't even have to bother asking what's wrong. "I'm sorry.."

"Yeah sure," there was a long awkward silence, even the cops felt awkward enough to leave the room and stand outside. "Just.. What the fuck where you thinking Pete? I've asked you to stop, shit I even begged you! But it just doesn't seem to stay in your head now does it? It's like you don't even care if you're hurting the people around you! You know what I think about this shit and the people that do it, like those stupid emos."

Pete felt guilt eat him up, he knew what he did was wrong. He hung his head low. His fringe fall making them seem like curtains, covering the sad expression behind. "Michael...."

"Don't Michael me." The guy with curly hair snapped. "Do you know how stupid this little act of yours was?!"

Pete managed "I-I said I was s-"

Michael stood up quickly, making the chair stubble. "Sorry doesn't do it!"

"Don't yell at me!" Pete managed to choke out.

"Give me a reason not to?" Michael barked back without thinking. Pete stayed quiet, he lifts his head up and gave Michael a nasty glare. He swallowed hard and struggles to get his words out but kept a strong expression on. His hands clenched the hospital's bedsheets as he tries to say something in his defense, as an tempt he makes an odd sound and covers it with a cough. Pete cleared his throat. "If you hate being with me so much. Then why are you here?"

Michael was taken back by Pete's words. "What do you mean why? It's obvious-"

Pete quickly interrupts before shutting his eyes. "It's clearly obvious that you don't like me!"

Michael raised a brow in confusion. "What are you taking about?"

"Look if your going to break up with me then do it now, I don't need your damn pity." Pete opened his eyes and let's out a small sigh.

"Break up with you?" Michael paused for a moment, waiting for his apology but didn't receive one. "That sounds about good, now." The oldest tried to keep a calm voice while he ran his hair threw his curly hair.

"I'm sorry okay?" Pete puffed his cheeks.

"You don't mean it." Michael scoffed.

The younger goth flipped sides. "Well fuck you." He wasn't the one who had to apologize in the first place.

"No fuck you." Michael barked back. The other didn't reply after that. Michael, having a short temper, got irritated. "Fine then, we're over."

"Fine!" Pete quickly moves back to face Michael. "Whatev- FUCK!" He hunched over, his eyes filling with tear while he tightly hugs himself, pain clearly heard in his whimpers. Michael quickly walked up to him he barely touched the other's shoulder before he spoke. "Leave, I d-don't care." His body shakes as he tries to breath the pain away slowly. He felt sadness fall upon him when he felt Michael touch disappear, his eyes followed the others legs as he walked closer to the door then disappear behind the door. Pete sighed while he pushed himself up. The door then opens, grabbing his attention. He frowns when he sees someone else. A small part of him wanted it to be Michael, even though he knew Michael wasn't the type to come back and apologize so soon.

"Awkward.." The cop whispered when he walks back in the dull room.

"Shut the fuck up conformist!" Pete growled.

He rolls his eyes. "Emos."

Pete tried to pickup himself up, only to fall back on the bed with a painful sensation running across his body. He let's out a small cry. "If I wasn't in so much pain I would totally fuck you up." He shuffles around to face the other side of the room again. He slowly managed to rest his head against the pillow. His face aches especially his right temple which they had given him three stitches. He raised his knees up and hugs them even though they stung and his chest ached as much as his face. Leaving the coffee to go cold.

A day had past and Michael wasn't there when Pete woke up, as well as today. Nurses came in and out to bring him breakfast, lunch and dinner, sometimes to give him painkillers. But he refused to eat. He just wanted to be alone, even asked for the cop to fucken leave but they didn't allow it and literally sent his friends home. He spend his time procrastinating or watching shitty programs on the tv and only got up to go to the restroom or take showers.

He sure fucked up this time, so much for moving in together. As if there's such thing as happy fairy tail ending.
Tomorrow would be his last day, as sad as it is his own dad didn't even bother coming. A nurse came in to check up on his wounds and bandages. It wasn't until now that moment Pete realized he didn't have insurance nor money to pay off the bills. His eyes widened, but he didn't show how panicked he really was.

"Fuck why didn't I notice earlier?" Pete took the opportunity once the nurse left to sneak out, luckily for him the stupid ass fuckass of a cop went to the bathroom. He peeked both ways of the hallway, before walking off to the entrance. Sadly for him he had to walk a long distance to get home, with nothing but a robe, that was partly opened from behind. "Fuck."

Will no longer update this sorry

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