Never Again

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The tall raven caressed Pete's cheek. "You're coming over, right? There's something I need to talk to you about."

His hand was so warm the youngest thought to himself. "Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do." He smiled at Michael but I knew it was a pretty weak one.

He smiles back but Pete could see the troubled in his eyes. Although he always says. "It's okay I'll be fine." Michael knows it's a lie.

But what is there to do. When even life has given up on you? Yeah it might sound conformist, these things, but to Pete it's all over. He looked down and sighed. To think he use to hope to live another day, but all his hopes and dreams soon faded away now there's only the overwhelming feeling of loneliness and pitch black darkness following him day by day. Slowly taking over his thoughts. Oh how he wished this pain would go away. Michael hold both my hands up. Pete looked up and Michael looked down. Exactly how his "family" use to do. Sadly yet luckily for Pete, he hasn't seen them since his mother passed away. The thought of it tears him.

The eldest goth raised his hand up to kiss it. Pete sucked my bottom lip, his fringe covered his face. "You know you can always skip if you're not feeling good." He mumbles.

Pete shook his head. "It's okay. I have to go, the bell will ring soon." Michael nods.

Pete gave him a small peck on the cheek before getting off the car. "See you after school." His lover simply smiled yet again with a concern look on his face. He closed the door and headed into school.

The goth took a deep breath before walking into the halls of South Park High. The place filled with snickers and chatters, conformist pointing and glaring. While Vamp kids hissed. He sighed yet again, what joy...

Today he felt like getting dress, mix things up to bust him through the day. He wore a black t-shirt under a black and red flannel that happens to be Michael's and on top of it his leather jacket. Simply but he liked it. The bell rang, looks like first period is about to start. Pete opened his locker and took out hid books then headed off to class. The time went by slow and he hated it. Especially being stuck with four jocks, constantly throw notes and spit balls.

It's always the same thing,

Fag, Emo, Kill Yourself, Ugly, Worthless, Attention whore, Freak of Nature, Suicidal Freak, Anorexic and so the list of names go on.

Which is why he doesn't even bother in reading. To be honest half of them are true. By now you should be wondering, Why his he here? Why is he putting up with these people?

He's well aware that he wasn't thr greatest student back then but this is something his mom wished. She wished for him to at least finish high school and not end up like his father. This is the least he could do after treating her so badly.

God where to begin? To settle things straight, she wasn't the greatest mother on earth but she tried her best to overcome her drug addiction. Although Pete acted as if he hated her guts inside out he could never admit he didn't love her. Sure she would go out and party, she had to work two jobs six times a week and didn't have time for him. But no one is perfect, surely just look at him.. His broken.

Lunch time came by pretty fast. He's never gone into the cafeteria to eat, just passes by it on his way outside. Hr sat down in the darkest corner behind the school. He lit up a cigarette and took a drag from it. Swing his head back, closing his eyes then exhaled the smoke. "Ugh, I really needed this." He healed the cigarette in mouth while looking for his journal. He wasn't going to do anything special, probably doodle or write a short poem. Just for the sake of killing time.

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