Where have you been?

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Part II

' Sorry I can't do these kinds of things with you." Michael finally spoke. '

"Yeah, your right." Pete looked down at his hands as he nervously picked the skin off the edges of his fingers. "Who would want to do it with m-me.." He whispered lowly.

An awkward silences filled the room. Pete swallowed hard, his face burning up. Pete could feel his heart beat and his ears burn, he tugged the collar of his shirt. He thought the air was getting hotter by the second.

Meanwhile Michael continued to sigh. His hand covered his eyes.

The youngest eyes started to tear up. Pete bites his lip and flinched, forgetting it was busted. He slowly moved to the edge of the bed as he reached down to get his shoes he noticed his hand shaking, his lip quivered as he felt a lump grow at the back of his throat again. Then came the tears, dripping on the floor. Not able to hold it in anymore he let out a small whimper. "F-Fuck." He whispered and quickly grabbed his shoes before rushing out the door.

Michael got up and reached for a sweater. He quickly slipped on some slippers and grabbed his keys. Once he stepped a foot out of his room. He met himself with his very angry Asian mom. She must have woken up when the door slammed. He ignores her and hurried outside. Just to piss her off he slammed the door on his way out.

"Idiot, making me go after you like this is some chick flick." He mumbles

Pete didn't know where to go anymore, Henrietta lived too far and Firkle's family wouldn't let him in with opened arms after what happened when they caught him smoking. He didn't stop until he reached the trailer park. "I fucked up big time." Pete wipped his tears.

He looked around, it wasn't so dark but it wasn't bright enough for him to see. There was a few lights coming from some trailers. A lot goes on here. What would you expect from these drunken bastards, Pete sighed. He knew most of the kids and teens here, not many of them talk because they're afraid, seems like now in days they only beat you to a pluse if you dare to speak.

What's going to happen to me now? Pete wonder. He put his shoes on before heading in.

"Where have you been?"

Petes eyes wide, an unpleasant shiver went up his spine. He turned around and stood up. Their eyes met, he looked pissed.

"So? Where were you?" His tone came out stronger making Pete flinch.

Pete was hesitant to speak. "I.. Went for a w-walk.."

"Liar." Ray grasped Pete's small wrist and yanks him, causing Pete to lose his balance.

He tried pulling back but his father's grip got tighter. Pete swallowed hard. "I-I'm not! Let go!"

"Do I look like an idiot?" Anger clearly shown in his eyes. "Because I'm no one's idiot," He pulled Pete by the shirt, their faces only inches away. "Especially not yours!"

Pete turned his head, his father's breath reeked of alcohol and nicotine. "I-I never call-"

"Shut up and get your useless ass inside!" Ray shoves him face down on the dirt.

Pete coughed and pushed his upper body up. His nose hurt and his knees stung. He felt something cold forming at the back of his nose, he coughed one last time and the cold liquid dripped Pete wiped his nose, although he couldn't yet see he knew it was blood, it wasn't the first time Ray popped a vein. "No!" He glare up at Ray.

Ray raised his fist, he wasn't very happy nor was Michael. "Keep your filthy hands off him."

"Who the fuck are you?" He growls.

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