Chapter 1: Arrival in Fransokyo

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Readers tips:

 - (your thoughts are in parenthesis) think of me as one of the version of your voices.

[Author's notes to you... or my notes to you in brackets...]

Other things I would like to add other than in the story will be in bold. I will try to hold off choice picking till another time.

I will start you off in this version where you don't even know how you got here and alone... I do this for the reason that you are not of the world that you are entering right now... You are a traveler of space and time continuums... as in that is one of your special abilities. TIME AND SPACE TRAVEL...

Please be truthful when it come to making decisions. Don't worry, I'll provide links so that you can choose and continue.

-----Story starting----

- "I-It's sooo cold." You said softly to yourself. As you exhale, you see your breath against the cold air. It was barely morning. Once your breath disappeared in the air, you saw a café at the corner of the street. You slowly made your way there. Once arrived to the entrance, you entered through the doors. There was a lady who greet you.

- "Hello!" She said, "How are you today?"

- "I'm fine, thank you!" You replied politely, "But it is really cold."

- "Oh, well here have some coffee." As she handed you the coffee, she noticed that you were wearing a short sleeve black turtle neck, (f/c) sweats, and a white scarf. "How come you didn't dress warmer?" She asked.

- You looked at your clothes with wide eyes, then said, "Well, I just arrived here today. I guess I was unaware of how the weather is like." You sipped from the cup of coffee she gave you.

- "Well, how long are ya staying?"

- You in response were astonished by her questions, "I actually haven't thought about that."

- "Hmmm..." she hummed thoughtfully, pouring coffee in another cup.  "So, where are you staying?"

(dang, this lady is curious...) you thought. But you figured you should tell her some truth, "Actually, I don't really know?" After that comment, the two of you kept quiet. You looked at the TV, which had the news channel on.

- "Today in Fransokyo, there will be 40% showers." the newscaster reported. "Make sure you have your umbrellas."

You looked outside, it started to sprinkle. Seeing this made you continually stare outside, forgetting that lady siting with you was there.

- "What's your name?" she finally asked.

- "Y/n L/n. And yours?"

- "Cass Hamada, I am also the owner here."

- "Oh!" you were somewhat surprised when you found that out, "So, how's business?"

- "Good, despite how we don't get many costumers this early in the morning. We are the best bakery/coffee shop in the city. But, before I forget, how 'bout paying me that cup of coffee? It's 2 bucks."

You searched in your pockets, but you couldn't find anything.

- "I swear I had money on me! Where did it go?"

- "My, my, you don't have any money, just arrived here today, without knowing the weather. You know what that means."

- "I'm sorry," you said dearly, "I did not intend for this to happen, what can I do to make it up to you?"

- "Well..." she put her own cup of coffee down on the table, then she looked at you with a smirk, "I have been looking for employees for a while. Taking care of the shop alone has taken its toll on me. So, how about it?"

You thought about this carefully, then agreed to her offer.

- "Here," she tossed you an apron, "well, you better get started. It's going to be a long day, since it is, after all, a rainy day."

**TIMESKIP** It's the end of the day, closing time for the café. It's pouring outside.

You let out a huge sigh and sat on a chair, slouching on it, before you put it on the table. Cass, seeing your exhaustion, walked in your direction,

- "Well, someone put in a good work day!"

- "Yeah..." you softly agreed, then sat up on the chair that you sat in.

- Suddenly, she asked, "where are going to go now? You have, technically nowhere to stay." Not knowing, you shrugged your arms.

Surprisingly, a small teenager walked into the café. He had a navy blue sweater, ruffled hair, and a mellow expression on his face. Cass turned her attention to him,

- "Hi, Hiro! How was your day?" She greeted him happily.

- "Great Aunt Cass!" The small teenage child looked at you, "who's this?"

- "My new employee, y/n, be nice to her okay? She going to be living with us now."

- "Wait a minute. I never agreed to this," Out of your amazement, you interjected quickly after she had said that.

- "But where will you go? Hiro will be fine, don't worry about it."

- "But Aunt Cass," Hiro was going to interject, but Cass covered his mouth with her hand.

- "I couldn't, I would be imposing." You said politely.

- "You won't don't worry," Cass said. Hiro was able to release himself from Cass's hand covering his mouth,

- "Where will she sleep," he inquired.

- "Don't worry she will sleep on that extra bed that we have," She lastly stated. He kept a normal expression concealing a solemn look behind it. You raise your eyebrow at the sight of this. You finally agreed to stay with them and sighed,

- "Okay, I give up, I'll stay."

- "Yay! See, now that wasn't so bad. Now was it, right Hiro?"

- "Yes aunt Cass." he said in a okayish tone, "let me go clean my room." Honestly, that boy gave you a weird feeling, as if you had a teenager angst radar on you. You felt it, pretty well, it was coming from him.

YAY!!! FINISHED WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! It will be a while for my next update, but that's only because I have other stories to type and also I have to deal with junior year... so yeah... If you like this story tell me in the comments so I feel motivated to continue with this story... Yeah, so see ya!!! :)

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