Research of Tadashi Hamada: Part 2

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K everyone, decision time, and thanks to YuriYuie I can continue with multiple scenarios. (To YuriYuie thank you so much, you are the beloved reader! <3 I have used most of your suggestions so thanks once again) And I know and I am very sorry... May to June I have a tendency to be very busy... thank you all for being patient. I FINISHED JUNIOR YEAR AND I FEEL AWESOME!!! :DDDDDD YES I CAN WRITE ALL I WANT (I'm doing summer school sad :( ...) On a happier note, I'll try to get on with this story.

[Continuation of the last chapter with the daunting question!]

Seeing Cass depressed, what do you do in response?

1. Try to console [if you have great composure... then choose this one...]

2. Get upset and have a breakdown [but still in a respectful manner... you really don't know Tadashi that well... be realistic.]

3. Hide your own emotions [if you have great composure... then choose this one...]


4.Tell her what has been going on [you'll be disappointed if you have picked this option...hehe...]

Let's forth with thy decision...

Try to console

You came up to Cass. From drowning into her tears, she looked up to you, seeing what you would do next. You came down to her level, and then opened your arms wide. She reacted by shying away from your offer of a hug. Upon her action, in response you said,

- With composure, "I know I cannot bring back from the dead, but will this help? I don't judge by the tears on people's faces, I know you care so much for him... you can let it all out, I don't care..." 

Wary about getting a hug, she also soon opened up her arms, biting her lips, holding in tears.

After seeing that she would accept the hug that she needs to calm down, the spirit that you felt that had once embraced you began to trace your wrists, guiding you to go forth with your idea to hug Cass...  Then, out of nowhere.. something entered... into... your... body...

Get upset and have a breakdown

You didn't exactly know how to feel in this specific type of situation, and so you became flustered with mixed emotions. Soon as you stopped in front of the tombstone, you lifted your hand, closed your hand tightly into a fist, and punched lightly and weakly onto the stone and left it there. After a few moments had gone by, your hand fanned out to stroke the carved parts of his name that were still engraved, not worn out by erosion. Then one by one, after each letter that was outlined, a tear would begin meekly flow down your flustered face, and at the same time small whines escaped from your lips.

- Cass, who didn't really understand why you did this asked, "Why are you so passionate about someone you haven't even met? I don't get it..." she continued to sob.

- "Because I am this type of person." looking away from her line of sight, "I just something I-I normally do... please ignore me..." You struggled to speak as you tried to keep your composure.

Cass, trying to understand your words and how you felt, despite how much she doesn't really know you, crawled towards you, minimizing the space between the two you. As a result of hearing her movements, you look back at her. You felt the spirit that had once embraced you began to trace your wrists, guiding you to hug Cass...

At those first moments, you were reluctant to hug when crying, whatever the reason, you just didn't want to [A/n: For me, I cry too much if some hugs me... I melt despite how much I luv hugs... but yeah... your reason could be whatever]. Then, out of nowhere.. something entered... into... your... body...

Hide your own emotions

Cass looked up at you, trying to anticipate what you would do next. You stopped in front of the tombstone, lifted your hand and fanned out to stroke the carved parts of his name that were still engraved, not worn out by erosion.

- "hmm... " You hummed thoughtfully, all while looking at the grave stone taking your hand off of it, "I really wonder though... what he was really like..." She wiped her tears in response, you looked away trying to keep composure [A/n:if not then... idk... you just look away], "It's never good to dwell on the things or people that were lost, I learned that the hard way. Life's always has been that hard..."

- (Want a hug?) you thought, not realizing you didn't say it. The spirit that you felt that had once embraced you began to trace your wrists, guiding you to hug Cass... Then, out of nowhere.. something entered... into... your... body...

Tell her what has been going on

[A/n: NOPE YOU SHALL NOT... EVEN IF YOU DECIDE THIS OPTION... TADASHI WOULDN'T LET YOU... SO CHOOSE ANOTHER ONE... ;3 me and my weird mind... well, here it is... choose another option...]

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