Chapter 5 (Continued)

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Baymax had just closed entrance to his hard drive that you just had seen. After a moment of silence you had started a conversation with the robot.

- "Baymax, who created you?"

-  "Tadashi Hamada was my creator."

- "Who is he?"

[you see the same video that Hiro watched within the movie]

After watching the video, you blushed, mainly at the achievement of this man you did not know. Then the next thing you knew, you remember from the video that he kissed the camera when recording. You blush harder as a result. Then, after calming down, you posed the question,

- "Where is he?"

- "Tadashi is here!" the marshmallow robot stated.

- With widened eyes, you asked, "Where?"

- "Tadashi is here!" he repeated in the same intonation.

There was a moment of silence between you and the robot. You thought about what he said,

- "Physically or spiritually?" you continued asking.

- "Tadashi is here!" he again said.

You gave up on asking... you felt the hand once again, instead of it being on your shoulder, which was now being occupied by your hand, it was felt on top of your hand, the one on the shoulder that was originally touched. This time, you didn't react, you just allowed it to be there. Warming you up, a small grateful smile creeped up on your face. Baymax, in response, said that he couldn't deactivate unless you had said 'I am satisfied with my care.' So you said it happily, and Baymax went back to his charging station and slept. You walked slowly to you bed and sat down in it. While doing all that, you still felt that hand overlapping your hand. You wondered to yourself, (Is this hand really his?). Forgetting about the hand at some point from the feeling of tiredness, you lied down and slept through the night comfortably.

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