Research of Tadashi Hamada: Part 1

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[Yay and I am back people, I missed you all so much. Okay, let's do this. That picture is just there to remind even myself and to all that this would apply to, is to study and be good students...

- "y/n..." you heard the same voice as in your dream of you thought was Tadashi. The voice continued to call out your name, but as it did, it sounded less and less like his voice and more like Hiro's voice. After coming to the realization that it was really Hiro's voice, then you quickly sat up on your bed turning your head toward the general direction where Hiro stood. Rubbing your eyes, you then looked and the clock and back at him.

- "y/n, " Hiro called out to you, "Aunt Cass wants you to get ready, it's seems like it is time to go on a little field trip with her."

**Timeskip** [after getting ready and so forth...]

- "Hey Cass! So, what's happening?" you asked her as you neared the front door of the café.

- "Well I might as well give you an extra, very special tour, besides the tour little Hiro gave you."

- "What about the shop? And Hiro?"

- "The shop can do without me today, plus Hiro has to attend to his classes."

The two of you left traveled by car to a hidden area on top of a unknown hill that showed the full view of the city of San Fransokyo. Once getting out of the car, you followed Cass into a graveyard, and soon enough, the two of you stopped in front of a grave that had the name 'TADASHI HAMADA 01/05/2105- 07/08/2126'


Once you had laid your eyes on his grave stone, you grew mixed feelings you didn't know how to react, but somehow you repressed your emotions, whatever you were feeling.

- "He was my other nephew," Cass began while looking a little downcast, "he was beloved in our family, despite how small it was... Ever since then, it got smaller."

You were speechless for the moment, you thought about saying sorry, but this time seemed different.

- "But you came along..." she broke the silence.

- "Finally, about time someone already has told me."

- "You mean you knew this whole time."

- You nodded your head in response, solemnly. "I saw photos of this man, and soon enough, his invention of that inflatable marshmallow identified him as his creator, Tadashi," you explained, all while Cass was being very understanding at the same time. Continuing, you complimented with respect, "he has a nice name... I really wondered what he was like." 

- "He was a very good brother to Hiro and saved me a lot of stress. Hiro used to get into a lot of trouble for being a little rebel when it comes to bot fighting... He'd set the example..." she starts crying...

A few moments of silence pass on by.

- "You should have known him, he was a nice young man, you would have really liked him" without looking in your direction, she brought her hands to her chest, where her heart would be, and held them lovingly with a feeling of such a heartfelt burden.

- In reply, you said quietly in a missing tone, "I already do."

Because of how well you seemed to appreciate the words of her story, to her amazement, her face got flushed from her blood within her skin and began to shed a tear. This was not only due to the much sadness of her loss of a loved one, but also a realization, as if she found a satisfying solution to pensive question about life. She opened her quivering lips to say something, but her emotions took control, but that didn't stop her, 

- "I miss my nephew... but you...y/n... are here..."

Behind her you see comforting figures around her. They seem to say that he is okay, and that he was there with her, but she didn't seem to listen. Although, it was weird at the same time, for you didn't see the beloved relative.

You walked towards Cass, but in doing so, a essence of a spirit seemed to brush against your body with what also seemed like a hug. While in movement, you looked within you peripheral vision, an apparition of that young man,

- "Tadashi," you whispered, then in thought, (what do I do?)

Seeing Cass depressed, what do you do in response? [yes, in this situation...since I am running out of ideas... tell me in the comments what you would do!!! UNTIL I GET SCENARIOS AND MY SET, THAT IS WHEN I WILL CONTINUE...sry... I LUV U ALL.]

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