Chapter 2: Day After Arrival

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Realization hit you, once having woken up in a strange soft bed. The bed seemed different compared to other beds you have slept on, but it is not because of the texture, but as you breath in, you were able to inhale a type of sweet scent that filled the surrounding area. You exhaled, all while cuddling the scent filled pillow that cradled your head as you slept. 

At first you didn't know why... you sat up,

- (I am not home... let's see what happened yesterday...) you thought to yourself quietly. With amazement, you finally recalled. The words you start at 8:00 clock tomorrow  rang in your head and immediately, you looked for a clock to know the time. AMAZING!!! You couldn't find one. Then, you stumbled out of your bed by tripping on a sheet that was wrapped around your leg. As you tripped, you fell, resulting in thud noise landing face first on the ground.

- "...owww..." you softly whimpered, not wanting to make unnecessary noise. Yesterday, because Cass offered you to stay with her and her nephew, she made you sleep in the same room as him... pretty awkward, but doable, since the extra bed and one of those dividers that make it seem like you get some privacy there. But, you didn't want to bother him, since it may be a lot for a child let alone a teenager to get used to the decisions of adults that greatly affect their life.

- "Are you okay?" you heard a voice in the distance. It was him.

- "Don't worry about me..." you said with your face planted on the floor, but then lifting your head you continued, "By the way, do you know the time?"

- He takes a quick glance at his watch, "It's barely 7:50."

After hearing that, you stood quickly and ran to get ready within this 10 minute time limit. You felt like it was necessary to do this because you felt indebted to them after letting you into their home. Finally, you got downstairs, standing at the doorway into the café, you said in a loud tone,

- "Hi Cass! I'm ready for today!" As you said this, you unknowingly drew attention to yourself. People looked you at you, and so you looked straight at Cass and walk towards her, trying to ignore everybody else's glances.

- "Hi, y/n. Ready for a little field trip?"

- "But what about work? What about the shop?"

- "Don't worry, I'm staying. I thought since it is your first time here, my nephew can give you a little tour around the neighborhood." You gave a sigh of relief, then heard footsteps that were coming down the stairs,

- "Hey aunt Cass," he looks at you, "Are you ready y/n?"

- "Yeah! Let's go!" You gave him a warm smile. He averted his eyes from you, blushing. You both walked out of the shop.

- "Follow me!" he said. You both make your way to a college it seems. When you both arrive, you stopped him and said shockingly and out loud,

- "YOU'RE IN COLLEGE?!?!!?!!?!!?!" [A/n: o_o oohhh geez...]

- He smirked, "well even 14 year-old can get into college."

- "HOW OLD ARE YOU?!?!?!"

Continually smirking, he didn't respond. He walked towards a glass mirrored building dedicated to Ito Ishioka. As you followed him entering through the doors of the building, you saw many different experiments being done at the same time. He walked into one of the rooms, which held a variety of those experiments. The people that were there stopped what they were doing and greeted Hiro then went back to work. One person out of nowhere called out to him,

- "Hey! Hiro come and help me install this, besides you have smaller hands than mine!!!"

- "Okay! He called out!" he turned to you, "You can look around, but don't get into trouble. Oh, maybe you can meet me in the next room, where my lab is."

- "Okay kid!!!" you didn't exactly want cause trouble so you walked right away to the next room that he told you to meet him.

You closed the doors behind you, you took a deep long breath. Something at first seemed familiar. You breathe in once again... it was that sweet scent you smelled earlier when you first woke up for the day. You look around the room trying to figure out where it is coming from. Then, you spot a frame with a photo of three people, there was Cass and Hiro. But the third person... you can imagine, he was a lovely person... you breathe once again putting on a sweet smile on your face... [A/n: oh my... smiling about a person you don't know about...don't know why but only you know the reason...]

All to be continued...until next update. You get to meet the gang next chapter...

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