Chapter 4: Baymax and Revelation

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*Everyone had a great time, you learned a little bit more about everyone and where some things are in Fransokyo. Now everybody made their way home, and you went back home with Hiro.*

- "Hey aunt Cass!" he said.

- "Hi! We're back!" you said.

- "Hi you two, how did it go?"

- "Good!" you both said simultaneously.

Hiro stayed in the living room with Cass as you went upstairs to the room. You went into 'your own space' where you slept. Then, you grabbed the pillow from the bed and began sniffing it. It reminded you again from this morning when you woke up, and that time when you were in Hiro's office. (What does it all mean?) you thought. You got ready for bed and came back to the room. Hiro was still downstairs, so you decided to turn off the lights and lie in your bed. With realizing that he was in the photo with Cass and Hiro, you turned on the lights in your area. You looked through the organized room, where everything in its place. Then on the desk of your room, you found the same photo placed in a simple yet pretty frame. You seem to calm down after finding it, mainly from seeing the stranger's face in the photo. That was thing, you didn't know why.

You walked towards the entrance to your room, stubbing your toe against a red tech box.

- "Owww..." you said louder than during the morning. Then something strange happened. It sounded like the box activated. Then next thing you know, a fluffy marshmallow robot came out of it and sought out if you were okay. You didn't know how to react. As a result of that, you kept silent. But then you nodded. You began to touch the robot, wondering about it. You lastly then touched a button on the top left side of it's bodily structure. By doing this, it seemed to show what programmed chips are attached to it's hard drive. Looking through it, you see the name TADASHI HAMADA.

- "Tadashi Hamada," reading the name by yourself, suddenly you shiver. There was a sensation of a hand on your shoulder.

EHHH! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!! You all can probably guess who is touching your shoulder huh? But other than that maybe I should start that making different pathways soon. BTW sorry for these small paragraphs, it should get better since I have SPRING BREAK!!! YES, NO SCHOOL FOR A WEEK! Life is such a beautiful thing!

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