California <3

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so California is a bit from from Dallas but ima pretend that there almost there..Hope you guys enjoy it ~Joanna (:

Joannas POV; When I woke up Harry was still next to me. I guess he's still pretty tired from there concert in Dallas. I got up quietly without tryna wake him up.

"Yayy your up" Eleanor said. Which startled me..

"Ha yes yes I am..why? whats up?" I asked confused.

"Well the girls and I have seem to have gotten up at the same time well you know not really but we all were waiting on you to wake up so we could talk about something we all thought we should do before the VMA's" Said El which got me much less confused.

"Ohh alright" I said sitting at the table with the rest of the girls.

"We were thinking we should go shopping for a new outfit for the award show in LA" Perrie said looking excited.

"I like the idea but we don't have money and I most certainly wont let Harry buy me anything" I told them getting a pout from them in return.

"Ohh Come on me and perrie were like this when we started dating Louis and zayn but there our boyfriends they love buying us things trust me" El said looking at Perrie who nodded.

"ha okay okay " I sighed they screamed with happiness but I shushed them so we wouldn't wake the guys up. Later on we got to California but we went straight to the Hotel we had room service and went to bed.


Sorry its short /: -Joanna c:

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