Chapter 1 The Beginning

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I was a waken by someone kicking my foot. When I opened my eyes a pitch fork was pointed at me. Holding the pitch fork was a man about my age.  

His voice was different from mine. "What's your name?!" He asked

"My name is Patience... And I ran away because there was no place for me in my family." I said with a horse voice.

"Patience as in Autolycus little sister?" He questioned.

"How do you know my brother?"

The man put down the pitch fork to answer. "Autolycus was my friend during the war. Such a pity he died. Come with me I'll get you clean clothes while you wash up." He said walking towards the door.

I slowly got up. "I'm sorry but I barely know you, let alone I don't even know your name."

He turned to me and bowed. "Names Fergus Roderick Macleod. After the war I became a tailor." He gave me a large smile. "Now are you coming?"

I nodded and walked behind him, into another building. It was kinda big and full of clothes.

"Where do you come from?" I asked Fergus, who was moving dresses to find my size.

"I come from my mothers..."

I cut him off. "I mean where wee you born?"

Fergus laughed." I'm from Canisbay, Scotland and I too ran away from home." He said holding up a dress. "Well actually my mother. This might fit you. Water is over there." Fergus told me, handing the dress over and pointed in a direction.

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