Chapter 4

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"Who could that be at this hour?" I ask Fergus, hoping he knew the answer.

Of course, Fergus shrugs.

"Well, go answer it!" I scooch Fergus out of the chair and towards the door.

As he opened it, I hide behind his arm. Behind the door waited a women.

She had long dark hair, sun kissed skin, and sliver eyes.

"Fergus! I need a new dress! Now!" She commands, barging in.

Fergus cleared his throat. "Alustriel, my dear... It is late and I wish to go to bed, so you'll have to wait till morning."

She turns around with an angry look on her pretty face. "I cannot! I..." She suddenly stopped talking and was looking at me. "My, my. Were you not going to introduce me, Fergus?"

Fergus sighs. "Alustriel this is Patience..." Fergus looked at me annoyed. "Patience this is Alustriel."

"How do you do." Alustriel says, curtsying and holding her hand out.

I take her hand and shake it. "Hello."

"Well, you're a pretty little thing. What's a girl like you doing with a man like this?" She questioned, getting closer to me.

I backed away, scared of what she's going to do. "Umm. I'm just..." Suddenly, Fergus pulled me kinda behind him.

"Leave the poor soul alone, Alustriel." Fergus sternly tells her. "She is the kin of Autolycus. That is why Patience is staying here."

Alustriel backed away with a sly smile. "Autolycus little sister. He did talk about you alot."

I moved Fergus out of the way and stepped closer to Alustriel. "You knew my brother?"

Alustriel chuckled. "Knew him? He was the reason I got killed."

"What?" I said very confused. "You're dead..."

She wore an evil smile."I'm a demon. Fergus is someone you can't trust. I suggest you get out while you still can. Meanwhile, I need new dresses." Alustriel pulled out a coin purse. "I'm thinking about a red and black one. You know the usual."

"Right this way." Fergus said, showing her to the back room. "Patience, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like your help."

I put my finger were Fergus needed me to hold something in place. This strange women comes here and demands dresses... Is that normal for Fergus...?

When we finally finished, Alustriel left. I was kinda happy. She was loud and demanding.

"Fergus?" I said, turning to him. "Who was that girl?"

Fergus cleared his throat. "Alustriel is just a girl that needs help. She was lying about the demon thing. Come dance with me." Fergus held out his hand. He lead me to the siting room. "I'm sorry, there's no music." He put one hand on my hip and the other held my hand.

"How well did you know Autolycus?" I questioned Fergus.

Fergus chuckles. "Very well. He was like a brother to me."

"Were you with him when he died?"

"Yes. Autolycus was a good man. He wishes he could have made it home." Fergus says sadly. "Nevermind Autolycus. Tonight we dance for ourselfs." He said, twirling me around.

"Oh, Fergus." I breathed.

Fergus was a really good dancer. He twirled and dipped me. We moved around the house, dancing in each others eyes. It felt like we were lost. It felt like things were meant to be.

No. It can be. This is not how things are supposed to be. What am doing? It feels so right with Fergus. What if I tell Fergus? Will he feel the same for me? Will he laugh in my face? Maybe I'm asking for too much...

Fergus leaned down. He was about to kiss me and I him. Thinking about my thoughts, I turned my head and let Fergus kiss my cheek. When I looked up, Fergus had a surprised look on his face.

"Excuse me." I told him, running to my room.

Sitting on my bed, I started to cry.

"I feel that Fergus is lying to me about Autolycus and Alustriel. Why won't he tell me the truth?" I sobbed to myself, laying down. "Dresses are so uncomfortable!" I struggled getting my dress off, but I managed. For a shirt while I laid in my bed, letting a few tears escape.

(Knock knock)

"Go away!" I shout.

"Patience, can I please come in..." Fergus begged.

I ran my hand over the wolf bite. "Fine."

Fergus opened the door and come over to me. "Why are you crying?" He asked.

I wiped the tears off my face and sat up. "Because I know you're lying to me about my brother and that women that was here..."

"Patience, you're not ready for the truth..." Fergus said softly.

"I am too!" I shout at him.

Fergus groans and gives in. "Fine. Autolycus got sick when the war started. He didn't want to left his family down, so he summoned a demon and soul his soul to get better. After the war, a hell hound came and tore Auto apart to collect his payment. Alustriel sold her soul for her looks, but she really does need help."

I stayed calm. "So demons are real..?"

Fergus nodded. "Demons, angels, witches. Almost anything you can think will be real. But Auto had left this for you." Fergus handed me a letter. "Goodnight, Patience." He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

When Fergus left, I slowly opened the letter, scared of what I'm going to find in it.

Dear Patience,

I'm sorry that I won't make it home. I know you will cross paths with Fergus. He is a nice guy. Sooner or later you will meet Alustriel, my wife. I married her before I went to war. She will seem strange at first, but I know you will like her. Anyways, Fergus will take good care of you. If things go well, I hope that Fergus will take your hand in marriage. Yes, it may seem weird to hear that, but I want the best for you and Fergus can offer that. He will tell you what happemed to me amd i want you to believe him bevause it all will be true. See you in the after life.

~love Auto

Marry Fergus... Is this why Fergus wants me to be happy..? Does he know my brother is hoping for marriage between him and I?

"This is all too much." I groaned, laying down and closing my eyes.

Before Demon Love (Fergus Macleod(Crowley)(Supernatural) Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now