Chapter 7

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Fergus came in and a handful of flowers. They were a blue color and smelt wonderful. He handed them to me with a smile.

"Awe! Thank you, Fergus. They're lovely." I sweetly said to him.

"I saw them and thought of you, so I picked some for you." He replied.

"That's sweet of you." I stood up and went to the kitchen for a vase.

I trimmed the stem of the flowers and placed them in a brown and purple vase. A smile appeared on my face as I gazed at them. When I heard footsteps behind me, I shook my head, removing the smile and turned.

"I've been meaning to tell ya something." Fergus nervously says.

I gave him a friendly smile. "And what's that?"

Fergus looked scared to say what was on his mind. "You want to start a family, right?"

I gave him a nod.

"What if you started a family with... with me? You and I could be together." He finished.

I was shocked at what his idea was. "Um... I don't know what to say. I like you, but I never thought about that..."

When I heard him move closer, I panicked.

"I need some... Ah... Air." I quickly said, rushing out of the house.

I sat down in the barn and was talking to the animals.

"I don't know what to do, Max." I complained to the horse.

Max nodded his head and stomped at the ground. I have no clue what that means.

"I know, Max. Me too." I said, rolling my eyes.

Max and I sat there for a good hour until one of the baby cows came over and laid by me. It's large head was on my lap as it fell asleep to me petting it.

"What do you think about the Fergus issue, Bug?" I asked the cow.

She looked up at me with a blank stare then looks back down.

I patted her head and she looked up. Bugs big brown eyes were beautiful. They reminded me of Fergus.

I gasped. Leaning forward, I hugged Bug. "Thank you, Bug!" I whispered to her. "You made me realize that I really do like Fergus."

Jumping up, I ran back to the house. "Fergus!" I called, out of breath. I didn't see him in the sitting room or the kitchen, so I jogged to his tailoring room.

A sudden freeze came over me. I saw through the crack in the door, Fergus was talking to a women. They were talking about what was in his pants. I stood, listening. I then heard Fergus say deal and the two were kissing. A tear crawled from my eye and down my cheek. I turned and ran out of the house, falling in the hay in the barn. I cried until I fell asleep.


I apologize for not updating in awhile. Lately, I've been stuck on what to write/type. I got no clue of where I'm going with this right now... I'm just typing down whatever comes to mind. So chances are... I'll forget something or I'll say something wrong and stuff. Besides, I've been busy with school and work and segues I'm just too lazy to type... 😆

Thanks for reading!

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