Chapter 5 Part 2

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Fergus was upset when I got back to the farm. Alustriel left us to work things out.

"I'm sorry." I softly said, sitting on the floor.

"Do you not trust me? Do I scare you? What can I do to make you feel safe or want to be here?" Fergus sounded hurt but had a stern tone. 

Alls I did was go to the nearest village.

I sat myself down on the floor. "I want my brother back. I want to move on in life. I want a family." I answered.

My eyes fixed on the tear that showed itself in the corner of his eye. "Your brother was dear friend of mine. But he's gone and you have to face the truth. Auto told me to take care of you and that's what I plan on doing. I keep my word. What if something happened to you? I would have let Auto down. If something happened to you, I would have not for gave myself."

I let out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry." My eyes moved their attention to my hands.

Fergus got down on his knees and looked into my eyes. "Is there something I can do to keep you here?" He asked in a soft toned voice.

I shrugged. "I just want a normal life."

"I can settle for semi-normal." Fergus joked. "I will try to give you what you want, but I can't make any promises, Patience."

I nodded.

Fergus got up and left me. I sat on the floor and thought.

I felt kinda bad for Fergus. I seem to be the only thing he cares about. Like I'm everything to him. He was really sweet towards me, which made me happy.

The next few days, Fergus and I worked on the farm. We got the last few animals to complete it. Working we suddenly became closer.

I was feeding the pigs when I turned and slipped on mud. But I didn't hit the ground. Fergus somehow was there and caught me. I looked up and saw his soft eyes gazing down at me. A warm feeling flowed through my body. A sly smile formed in the corners of my mouth.

"You okay?" He asked, pulling me up.

"Yeah." I breathed as I brushed off my clothes.

We stood there for a second, looking at each other and smiling.

I bit my lip. "I should get back to work."

"Oh, of course."

I giggled as I passed him.

The next step was to tear up the ground and make a small garden. To grow enough for us. I attacked the dirt with so much force, but it did nothing. I soon gave up and let Fergus take over. Standing by, I watched him work.

That night, laying in bed, I was staring at the up. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

A sudden feeling of teeth ripping my skin and a picture of the wolf appeared. A terrible feeling fell over me. I screamed and jumped up; I ran to Fergus's chambers and crawled into his bed with him. He rolled over and looked at me with curious wonderment.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a calm tone.

"I got scared." I answered.

"And you decide to crawl into bed with me?"

"Yeah." I nervously replied.

Fergus gave me a smile and rolled back over. But I didn't want him to look away.

"Ah. Fergus, can you look at me."

He rolled back over. His eyes gleamed with happiness. Fergus then lifted up his hand and placed it on my cheek. "As you wish."

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