Chapter 2

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After washing up I put on the dress Fergus gave me.
The dress was black and blue. It kinda made me look like a hooker but who's around to see this...?
As I was tieing the dress up I hear Fergus's deep Scottish voice. "Patience, I've decided to let you stay here. Of course, only if you want. It does get lonely..."
"I'm not sure I want to stay. I want to grow, get married and have children." I said passionately.

"Just haven't found the right guy." Fergus questioned with a raised eyebrow as he took a swig of something in a glass.

I looked down at my hands. "I guess not." I felt a blanket of awkwardness fall upon us. "I guess I could stay for a little while. I know I'm helpful so I could help around the house and the farm."

Fergus's face somewhat brighten when my words were heard. "So you could be a wife and clean and cook for me? That would be useful but I don't have a farm"

"Yes... Seeing that you don't clean around here. I also see that you have a barn."

Drinking the last drink in his glass, Fergus looks at me kind of confused. "I have no animals nor a field."

With a sly smile, I took the empty glass from his hand. I went to the kitchen to wash dishes. "You have tools and money. We could or I could start a farm for food and milk. So you don't have to spend money on meat that's been sitting out for days in the hot air. We could make money by selling meat that we don't need. I can help start the farm and you can run your two-bit tailor crap." I explain to him as I started to clean.

Cloth was everywhere. Dirty dishes were piled by a metal tub of soapy water. I put a pot of water over a small fire to get warm water to wash the dishes. After a few seconds, Fergus started to clean up the cloth.

"I think it would be fun to start a farm." I said with a smile, playing in the soapy water.

"Especially with a guy you just met." Fergus pointed out.

He's right. I just met him and suddenly I'm staying with him. What kind of person does that!!! Thinking about Autolycus. My brother knew Fergus. If Autolycus didn't like Fergus, he would mind me staying. Right? Besides, this could be good for me...

I take the pot of water off the fire and dump it in the wash tub. "After the house work. We could go outside and start constructing a pig pen."

Somehow Fergus got a glass in his hand and was pouring alcohol in it. "A pig pen, huh?"

"Yup. Then we can get some cows and chickens. Ooh! Maybe a goat too." Washing the dirty dishes of his, my mind ran wild with ideas. "A few horses would be nice."

"Whatever makes you happy, Luv." Fergus smoothly said, bowing to me.

I gave a sly smile. For once someone isn't yelling at me. For once someone is trying to make me happy. A warm feeling grew in my stomach. I'm glad that I decided to lay in the barn and sleep.

After a few hours of cleaning the house looked clean. The clothes Fergus made stayed in the back room. All dishes were put away on the shelf. Well, almost all... Fergus still had a glass in his hand.

"Shall we go outside?"

Fergus once again bowed to me. "As you wish."

Walking out the door, I began to search for wood I could use to build stuff with. "You do know I'm not a princess or anything, right? You don't have to obey to everything wish or dream I have..."

Fergus walked behind me, watching my body bend for his pleasure. "Oh I know. Auto knew you were going to be here. Don't ask me how, he just did. Auto told me to make sure you're happy. Nothing else matter to him." Fergus told a long sip of his drink as I bent down to pick up a fallen tree.

"I may look like a lady but trust me, I'm not." I said winking at Fergus. I hauled the tree over to the barn.

There was a medium sized forest near the house. That's where I can get the wood to build a pen. I'll have to get Fergus to help because even with all my strength, I'm gonna get pooped out. I found a cart and ax in the barn.

"Right about know would be fine to have a horse or cow.." I said pulling the cart to the forest.

Fergus ran into the house for something, but I didn't want to waste time, so I left without him. I wanted to get the pig pen done by nightfall. Getting closer to the forest, I could hear strange noises. I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking it was a red squirrel messing around or looking for food.

"Food sounds good." I say out loud. I turn to see if Fergus was coming, but I could see no one. Turning back to proceed, a loud growl came from the forest. "FERGUS!!!" I scream, looking back at the house. A shape was running towards me. The shape was Fergus, but he had something in his hands. Feeling safe, I stopped and waited for Fergus.

The break was soon over. A tiny pack of wolves came charging out of the dark forest. They were coming fast. In fear I froze. Fergus wasn't faster than the wolves. The first one, the leader jumped on me. I brought my arms up to protect my face. Its teeth trying to tear my flesh. The wolf had got a hold of my right arm. It was tugging and pulling at my arm. I was screaming for help. I was helpless in the moment of attack.




Three shots from a gun. The wolf that was attacking me fell. Blood dripped from its mouth and onto my face.

"Are you okay!?" Fergus franticly questioned. He quickly grabbed the wolf off me and grabbed me. "Your arm! We need to get you home!" Fergus piled the three death wolves in the carp along with his musket.

"I thought the wolves were extinct..." I held my arm to try to stop the bleeding.

"They are being hunted. The wolves are starting to kinda fight back, Patience." Fergus looked back to make sure we weren't being followed. "It's believed that in Scotland the last wolf was killed by Sir Ewen Cameron back in 1680... But what I believe is that they are repopulating in Great Britain but moving back to Scotland. The wolf is a very smart but dangerous creature." Fergus put the cart with the wolves in the barn. Then he walked me inside and cleaned my wound.

The bite was a bit bad. Teeth marks scarred my arm. My own blood stained my own skin. When Fergus cleaned the wound it hurt. He made me drink some nasty craig.

"What I'm about to do may hurt so I need you to drink up, Dear." Fergus begged.

I refused to drink the craig so Fergus raised his hand....


Poor Patience got attacked by a wolf and refuses to drink craig to help with the pain. Fergus had no choice but to knock her out. He didn't want to watch Patience scream in pain that he couldn't help. As for the wolf that attack, Dear Patience.... Well, lets say that he'll taste great for breakfast.

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