Chapter 3

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In the morning, I woke up with a pain in my head and arm.

"What did Fergus do to me?" I mumbled to myself.

Looking at my arm, hoping everything was a dream, I could see the bite marks. They weren't wide out letting disease into my body. No, they were sown up. "Fergus must have done that." I smiled at the bottle of craig next to me, on a chair.

I wanted to stand up, but my head was hurting too much.  

Having nothing else to do, I decided to go back to sleep.



I hear Autolycus call.

"I give up. You win... Again."

I snicker to myself. "This is like the tenth time in row."

Suddenly everything was quite. Autolycus wasn't looking for me.

"RRRAWR!!!!" Autolycus screeches, scaring me out of my hiding spot.

"Not fair!" I whine as he helped me up. Autolycus could barely stand, he was laughing too hard.

"You should've seen your face! Ha! It was so funny!!"

I playfully hit Autolycus. "It's not funny!"

We walked to the village pub to get a bite to eat.
Sitting down, people began to stare. We got our food and ate. As we were walking to the door, a boy came up from behind and pushed me down. The other boys he was with laughed at me.

"Ha ha! Freak!" One boy said to me.

When I tired to get up to my feet, they pushed me back down.

"Stay down, Freak!" They told me.

Autolycus came and took my hand, helping me up. He pushed me behind him, guarding me from the boys.

"I think you should leave my sister alone!" Autolycus growled at them.

The boys scoffed and enclosed on Autolycus. "What are you going to do if we don't?"

Autolycus rolled up his sleeves and glared at them. "I guess you'll find out." Autolycus threw a punch and hit the leader right in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. "Are you going to leave her alone?"

The boy on the floor nodded. He didn't get up till we were out the door.


I woke up, feeling a little better than before. My head still hurt, but I can get over it.

"I miss Autolycus." I groaned to myself.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. After clearing my dizzy head, I walked to the window.

"Holy Fuck!!!" I yell.

There was suddenly a pig pen and pig next to the barn. Fergus walked out of the barn with some wood and nails.

"Fergus Macleod is working..." I laughed to myself. "How long have I been sleeping..?"

I went outside and walked towards Fergus.

"Good morning, dear." He says while pounding in a nail.

I gave him a big smile and sat down right in front on him. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Fergus laughed and stopped hitting the nail. "I'm doing what you can't."

"Hey! I can work!" I sassed as I picked up the hammer, he set down and swung at the nail. "Oww!" I shout from the pain that ran through my arm.

"Told you."

I stuck my tongue out at Fergus. He looks at me with a grin.

"I got the barn finished. Same with the pigs. Now I'm working on the chicken coop and a fence for the cows and horses." Fergus informs me.

I gave him a confused look. "How long have I been out..?"

"About four-five days. The pain really got to you. To walk to the nearest village takes a half a day. So with you asleep, I went and got the animals after I got the barn done." He says helping me up. Fergus shows me the inside of the barn.

There was two cows, two horses, a goat and three chickens. They were in their own fences. The cows got a corner, so did the horses, goat, chickens and pigs. The pigs also got a link to the outside. Only because that's were their mud and food is.

"You clean up the barn and got these animals..." I was cut off by Fergus, so I turned around.

"For you." Fergus says while a smile.

I wanted nothing but to hug him. Happiness swelled my body.

"AWE!" I squeaked, attacking him.

My arms wrapped around his neck. Fergus hesitated but then wrapped his arms and me. He picked me up and twirled me around. I could tell he was happy that I was happy which made me happy.

"Thank you." I whispered as he set me down on my feet.

Fergus leaned in. "You're welcome." He whispered back with a kiss to my cheek. "I gotta get back to work."

"I guess I'll go make supper." I said as we went different ways.

I got some floor from the shelf and a basket of cherries to make a pie. For supper, I'm going to make boiled beef. The beef was one ice and looked somewhat fresh. Fergus must have got  it on his trip to the village. Putting water over a fire, I started to cut the meat.

"What else can go with the meat..?" I said to myself as I looked around the kitchen for something.

I wasn't long till I found some lettuce and potatoes. Waiting for the meat, I made a dry salad and mashed potatoes for a side dishes.

Cutting up the cherries, I saved some pits to plant in the yard.

While waiting for the pie and meat to get done, I set the small table. To cups, silverware, and plates out.

It was long after Fergus walked through the front door.

"Aye. Is supper done?" He questioned.

"Almost. Now go wash up."

"Alright women!"

I laughed at Fergus's words.

After Fergus was done, so was the food. Setting the food on the table, Fergus got something to drink. We both sat down, across from each other. Both of us smiling at one another.

"Shall we eat?" I ask him.

"We shall." Fergus replies.

Everything tasted fine but I knew everything wasn't fine.

I was sitting in a strangers house, cooking supper while he worked. What am I getting myself into..?

Fergus laid back in his chair and patted his stomach. "I am full. Thank you, Patience. That was a lovely supper."

"You're welcome." I tell Fergus as I collected the dishes.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Before Demon Love (Fergus Macleod(Crowley)(Supernatural) Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now