Chapter 2: Basketball Games And Violence

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  When the bell rang indicating it was time to go home, I inwardly sighed, I stood up from my seat and threw my bag over my shoulder.

I walked down the halls alone watching as my friends or acquaintances, even strangers rummaged through their lockers and rapidly left the school building to go home, to what I imagined as perfect lives with perfect families. Maybe I was mistaken, maybe there's a possibilty someone was like me. Someone was unhappy.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I hoped nobody in this school had to go home to what I'm stuck dealing with. I'd never wish the life I live on my worst enemy. I brought my hand up to my head and pulled some of my brown hair out of my face. I continued walking until I reached my locker. I pulled out my phone dialing Lindsay's number. "Hello?" I speak into it.

"Hey, are you at your locker? I'm on my way there right now." She explains. "Brett. Stop." I heard her whine into the phone.

I laughed loudly, holding the phone up to my ear as I grabbed a hoodie from my locker. "Okay lovebirds, I'll see you when you get here." And with that I ended the phone call and stuffed my phone into the back of my jeans pocket. I dropped my bag onto the floor and pulled my hoodie on over my shirt.

Lifting up my bag, I swung it over my shoulder again, and slammed my locker shut so I could lean against it. A few minutes later I saw the lovely couple come walking down the hallway. I waited patiently for them to quicken their pace and reach me. But once I realized the both of them walked like turtles, I pushed myself off my locker and met them halfway. "Gosh. You guys walk slow."

"Sorry your majesty." Brett jokes as he bows in front of me, making me push him. "You and Lindsay are so abusive."

I smirked at Lindsay before giving her a look. She nodded, smirking back at me. I looked around to make sure the hallway was clear and nobody was in the way- I didn't want any bystanders getting hurt. Once I realized the coast was clear, I mouthed "Go." to Linds, and we both reached out and shoved Brett causing him to fall and land on his butt. Linds and I looked at eachother before breaking into huge fits of laughter. "You okay there bud?" I laugh teasing Brett who was lying on his back on the ground looking up at the ceiling. Brett lifts his head up and positions his weight on his elbows and glowers at me. "Don't give me that look, I'll have your girlfriend kick you in the balls." I tell him seriously as I point a finger at him.

Brett sighs, and throws his head back groaning. I held out my hand for him to take so I can pull him up. Brett eyed me skeptically making me look at Lindsay. "Can you believe this guy? He thinks I'm gonna like retract my hand the second he goes to grab it. I'm not that immature." I say as I pointed at him again.

"I know right!" Linds chuckles. "You really aren't that immature."

I looked away from my best friend and stared down at the Brett- sweet little old evil Brett. I remember him when he was an innocent little boy who was missing his front tooth, ah! those were the days. I swayed my hand in the air as I teased him. "You know you want toooooooooooo." I told him stretching out the 'to' for emphasis.

Brett reaches out to grab my hand to help him up, but I quickly retract it and burst into laughter. "He believed me!" I chuckled, jumping up and down, finding this hilarious.

"You would think after hundreds of times he'd learn by now. Tut, tut, I have a dumb boyfriend." Lindsay speaks as she helps her boyfriend up.

Once I've calmed down from laughing, my face became serious. "Who's staying for the basketball game?"

When Lindsay shook her head, I couldn't help but feel dissappointed. "Sorry Lexi, I have to babysit my brother for my parents today. It's their monthly date night."

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