Chapter 22: let's go

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I sat in between Grayson and Gabe on the couch, Vincent, Hunter, and Christian sitting across from us. I was a little nervous to hear what Vincent had to say. I was basically at the edge of my seat.

My foot kept jumping up and down at a rapid pace as I played with my fingers on my lap.

"So, it was a bit of a struggle to find your mother. It was almost like she purposly made herself lost. Well-- not lost, but not able to be found I guess. I had these two boys doing everything they could to find out just a little bit of information for you." Vincent began explaining as he pointed at Hunter and Christian who nodded.

"Yeah it was a lot." Christian sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I wanted to give up like thirty times but everytime I tried to.. Vincent punched me in the face." He said, scratching the back of his neck letting out a chuckle in the process. I smiled lightly at him, shaking my head.

"I didn't want to give up if that helps Alexis." Hunter said raising his hand, grinning at me. My eyes flickered over to him, and I grinned at him right back.

"Well thank you Hunter. I appreciate it honestly." I told him truthfully.

I stopped playing with my fingers, and sat forward in my seat as I looked up at Vincent as he set a folder on the coffee table and flipped it open. Inside the folder sat a picture of my mother-- Anastasia Deaken. I reached my hand out, a little hesitant and picked up the picture of her.

I stared at it for a few seconds, taking in her appearance. Her brown hair looked darker from the last time I saw her. She looked almost like a stranger to me now. If it wasn't for the small amount of freckles that cascaded across her cheeks and on the bridge of her nose, I wouldn't even recognize her.

Her eyes from what I could remember were brown, a light hazel brown, unlike my blue ones. Instead in this picture they were a green. She must have invested in contacts.

She was tanner too. She looked beautiful though. I had to admit that. Anastasia Deaken was a beautiful woman. If only she was my mom, and not a stranger to me.

"She's beautiful." I mumbled as I stared at the picture for a couple seconds longer. A hand started rubbing my back, and I pulled my eyes away from the picture to see Gabe staring down at with me, as he rubbed my back. I looked back down at the picture, and moved it away from me putting it back on the table.

"She is." Vincent agreed. "But she's a bitch." He added.

"Why do you say that?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer.

"Isn't it obvious, she left you Lexis-- she left you with a fucking scumbag." Grayson replied, the tone of his voice laced with anger.

"I know." I sighed. I ran my hands over my face and looked back up at Vincent. "Continue please."

"Alright...." He said, grabbing another paper. "She left you years ago, and she's currently living in California, just a few hours from here actually. It's some tiny rich town. Her new husband's name is Bryant Robinson. He's got three kids. His oldest son is named Kyle, he's eighteen. Then he has two twins, a boy and a girl. Their both sixteen. The girl's name is Hannah, and the boy's name is Lucas."

"Kids?" I said shell shocked. "They have kids? She left me... for a family... for a man who already had three kids...."

"That's not all." Christian interrupted. "She's never mentioned you at all since she's moved there. Ever since her name turned to Anastasia Robinson, she never brought you up. Quite frankly none of them know you exist. She's wanted it that way."

"Fucking bitch." Grayson cussed again. I looked over at him to see his hands clenched into fists. I placed my hand on his leg.

"Who cares. She's a bitch rememeber. She made her choice when she walked out on me all those years ago." I told him. I looked away from him and back to Vincent. "Is that all?"

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