Chapter 30: track marks

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   I feel like it's been way too long. I had writer's block, I'm sorry:( Hope this is good.

    Myles just locked up the coffee shop, so I took off the apron I had wrapped around me and hung it back up, heading outside the door and sitting on the front step. He came out a few minutes later looking around. "I was looking for you." He managed to say. "Wanna stay at my parents house with me? We've got a guest room. I made a phone call and mentioned how old you were. They said they don't mind."

I stared at him, trying to see if he serious. I wasn't scared to stay in his home. He's nice to me, he's treated me well. I nodded my head and stood up following after him to a parking lot across the street where a mini van was parked. "Alright, get in." He said, pulling out the car keys and unlocking it.

I got into the passenger seat and buckled up, letting out a deep breath, and stared out the window. It was dark out now, and I was wanting to be home. I could just ask Myles to drive me but I feel as though it's too much to ask somebody.

  The car ride was so silent, I didn't even realize we pulled up to a house until Myles tapped my arm making me jump. I turned toward him to see him pointing to a small ranch house in front of us.

   I followed after him into the house. I heard barking as I closed the door behind me which made me a bit excited because I like dogs. I looked around at the beautiful home until I seen a puppy running over to me.

"That's Nala, we just got her a few weeks ago." Myles smiled at me. I laugh, getting on my knees and allowing the tiny golden retriever puppy to jump on me, giving me kisses. I began to feel happy about this.

"Nala? Like from Lion King? I love it!" I told him, grinning. I played with the puppy for a few more seconds until I heard a woman speak and appear in front of me.

  She looked like she was in her late sixtys, she pinched Myles cheeks, "How was the shop today? Did we make enough money?" She asked him, her tone soft and gentle.

   I watched their interaction intently. It was easy to tell Myles was a momma's boy as he smiled and hugged his Mom and told her about their earnings at the shop. "Yeah ma, anyways, this is Alexis." He said turning away from her and directing her attention toward me.

  His mom looks over, smiling at me playing with Nala. "Well isn't she just beautiful."


"The dog, Nala is just beautiful huh?" His mom says, breaking out into laughter making Myles and I both laugh with her. Most wouldn't find it funny, but I found it hilarious. She was easygoing, her joke made me not scared of her. His mom seemed like someone I could talk to all day long.

     We ended up talking together in the living room for about an hour, she told me her husband was sleeping already and explained to me something about how the elderly sleep early. Then she went on and on about how I got here, where my family is, and how I plan to get home.

     I told her everything I felt comfortable with telling, and then why I didn't go to the police because foster care was the only place I didn't want to be. She understood me, but lectured me about how I needed to get home and finish school, set my priorities straight. I admired her, I admired Hannah – her name made me think of my stepsister, Bryant's daughter who made me promise I'd be back to hang out with her.

After awhile she said she was getting tired so she walked to her room down the hall. Myles and I sat there for a bit, in the silence. "You want me to bring you to the guest room?"

I glanced over at him, shaking my head, "This might sound weird but, do you mind if I... um borrow some clothes? I really need to shower and brush my teeth. I feel disgusting and greasy."

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