Chapter 13: my mother

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I sighed as I pushed them both back toward the car. "Just go." I told them as I stepped back and started walking toward my porch.

"He hit you this morning, and you're expecting us to just let you go?" Gabe rolls his eyes as he walks by me. I gripped his arm pulling him to a stop.

"I get it. But you both coming into my house right now is only going to stir it up further. If I just go in and give him the money I earned at work he'll leave go get his stuff, and leave me alone." I explained to Gabe as I made brief eye contact with Grayson. "Now goodbye."

I pushed open the front door and turned around shooting both boys a look to go, Gabe sighed and retreated back down the porch. Grayson didn't move a muscle he stood there staring at me. I groaned waiting in the doorway, seconds later Grayson followed after Gabe and crossed the street back to his car. I closed the door behind myself to see Tim laying on the couch.

I glanced at him and dug into my pocket, pulling out forty dollars I walked over to him and tossed it on him, "Go crazy." I muttered and left the room.

This morning he screamed at me over my paycheck. I hadn't picked it up yet so he hit me. I don't know why or how he assumed hitting me was going to magically give him the money he wanted but he did. I just genuially thinks he enjoys inflicting pain on me for some reason.

I understand he's angry he has to see my face everyday, and he's angry my mother left me here. He's also angry she left him for some rich man. Hell, even I'm angry with her. But what's the point? We could easily ignore eachother and pretend we're not there. Instead, he chose to hurt me whenever he felt.

I, was definetly not as strong as I could be. I always seemed to cower back whenever he came at me. I should hit him back. I've done it before but all it did was throw me in deeper. I always came out even more bruised than I would have been if I just let him do it.

I stepped into my bedroom and pulled my laptop out from the locked drawer and opened up Facebook. I haven't used Facebook in over two years but I'm positive my mom must use her's. Maybe if I find her I can contact her. Maybe she'll be happy to hear from me. There's a possibilty she regrets leaving me behind.

I logged in and saw loads of notifications and friend requests from people from school. After spending five minutes accepting all of them I started searching my mother's name. I didn't know if she went by Deaken which is her maiden name or by her new husbands name, which I don't even know.

So after searching Anastasia Deaken and seeing what popped up, I sighed. I checked every page but none of the women in the icons looked anything like her. She must have went by her new guy's name now.

She didn't want anything to do with me, but could I blame her?

I closed my laptop shut and grabbed my phone off the night stand. I had a missed call from Madison, so I called her back. "Whatsup Mads?"

She hadn't really spoken to me much lately besides lunch. Actually, she hasn't spoken too many of us. I think she was still pissed off at Caleb for choosing to go to his brother's open house than with her. So getting a call from her tonight was out of the ordinary.

The line was quiet for a few minutes before I heard a few sniffles, "Can you come over? I know I haven't been such a good friend lately but I need to talk to someone and you're the only person I know I can say this to."

I sat up more on the bed, scared. "Mads, babe what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine.. I think. Just please come to my house. I need to talk to you in person. It's urgent. You know I wouldn't call you if it wasn't." Madison explained between sniffles.

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