Chapter 55: bury my sister

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They really thought I was gonna be easy, I'm glad that were noticing I'm anything but that. The last few days, they've tried to torture me but came up short. I'd torture them right back. Everytime they punched, I'd punched back harder. I'm shocked they didn't just kill me by now.

Would have saved them all the black and blues I inflicted on them. I laughed, spitting up blood on their dusty basement floor. "Are you done yet?"

"Shut the fuck up." Carson spat back venomously trying to make himself appear superior. Yet he wasn't. He was still as weak minded as he was once before.

"No thank you." I murmered, smiling. I enjoyed the feeling of pissing him off. I enjoyed the way his neck vein popped out, and his forehead wrinkles appeared prominent.

Before I could muster up another blood boiling reply for Carson I felt Tim's calloused covered hands gripping my arms, pulling me up to my feet. Carson laughs, reaching over to the table picking up an orange needle. I stared at it, my heart wanting to sink – I should have known they would try this.

I stayed still, watching his every move make him get closer to me. He stopped in front of me, taunting me with the needle. "I told you to shut the fuck up, did I not Alexis? You should have listened. Enjoy being a dope feen." I kicked him immediately on instict, expecting him to cower back but instead I got hit with the needle, right in my vein.

I felt the contents slip into my blood stream causing ME to cower back to the floor. I laid there, dwelling on what happened until my mind blanked, and I suddenly became a new me.


Grayson's POV •

I woke up to someone shaking me, opening my eyes I came face to face with Gabe. I yawned, "What happened?"

"Wheres Lexis, we gotta head out to church." He replied, dressed up in a pink button down shirt and khaki pants.

I turned over in the bed to see her nowhere to be found. I got up immediatly, and searched to see if her phone was gone, or any indication that she left willingly was there.

But as I found her phone buried in her bed, and her favourite pair of sneakers still there, it hit me and I remembered the feeling from last night. I glanced back at Gabe, my heart sinking to the floor staring at his bored expression on his face. "Gabe, something happened last night."

"What are you talking about bro?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Last night, when Lexis and I got back from a drive, I remember getting into bed beside her and next thing I know I crashed, and not willingly. Tell your Dad to check the cameras, now." I explained, pulling my shoes on in a rush.

It was no surprise that the surveillance cameras were broken in every end of the house, it didn't catch anything. Bianca sat next to Daisy, both of them crying as Joseph immediatly got on the phone with the cops.

I paced the living room, trying to remember atleast something of last night but it was as if everything was clouded.

God I hope she's okay. She better not be giving up too easily. My phone started buzzing in my pocket, loudly, causing me to pull it out the same time everyone else pulled theirs out.

   There was an amber alert out for Alexis, my heart sank. This is the last thing I expected to see. I looked up from my phone to see Gabe angrily toss his phone on the couch and head up to his room. I followed him, worriedly. "Bro, you good?" I ask, stopping him.

"Obviously not." He snapped. "How could this happen while we were all under the same roof?"

"I don't know man, I really don't. We're gonna find her though, and you know she's gonna be fine."

"And if she's not? What are we gonna do? I refuse to bury my sister."He murmered. I could tell he was gonna cry. I walked over, hugging him. Letting him know I'm here, and I understand.

   When Gabe began to cry, I wanted to cry with him but I needed to be the strong one. I had to be. I was always looked at as the tough one out of the two so I can't allow myself to break — not now, not ever. I let go of him, and shoved him a bit. "Man up. Crying will get you nowhere. If we wanna find her we need to go out and find her ourselves."


Alexis' POV -

     I laughed bitterly, as the basement door slammed shut leaving me alone in the darkness. I was most definitely hallucinating and losing it, but that's what made my predicament even funnier. I nearly choked on my own laughter.

     I laid there, chained up to a pipe not being able to stretch or move. My back hurt, and this basement stunk of mildew. I was curious to know where they got this home from, must have been old and abandoned.

      I imagined who lived here once before, were they evil like them? Or were they just a regular everyday family with kids, and a couple of pets. I wondered, a lot.

      My wondering got me nowhere though, I was still trapped in the basement alone having conversations with myself imagining that someone else was sitting next to me communicating back.

      But the reality was, nobody was.... it was just me like it'd always be. I was either going to die here alone, or get out of here alone.

       I hoped it was the second one.

  "You hungry?" I heard, as Carson came back down the stairs with a bag of Mcdonalds in his hand. I licked my lips at the food, boy, I was starving. "Too bad. Prisoners don't get to eat."

  "Oh that's what we're calling this now.... do you feel powerful calling me your prisoner?" I snorted, watching as he ate the Mchicken.

"Just a smidge, princess."

"Do you even have a reason for me being your prisoner? What do you even want from me?"

"I want you to suffer." Carson replied instantly as if he's been waiting for me to ask that for, forever.

"Being in your presence is suffering enough." I say, trying to move even an inch but failed. "Can you unhook me from the pipe?"

"For what? So you can run? I don't think so babygirl."

"Why would I need to run? It's not like I'd know where to go."

"Yeah well I'm sure a lot of people are looking for you. An Amber Alert went out about an hour ago." He responded, casually. "To be honest, they did me wrong with the picture they used. I'm quite an attractive man."

I snorted, "Yeah sure you are, and I'm the best friend of Lightning Mcqueen."

"You're kinda funny. I remember we used to actually get along when I used to swing by and visit my Dad."

"No we didn't Carson." I replied, rolling my eyes. "I've always found you psychotic. Never thought you'd live up to the name though – Let me tell you that."

"I'm not psychotic." He defends. "And If I am, I'm not this way purposely. I was born to be the way I am, nothing I do could stop my fate."

"Whatever, I don't even wanna hear you speak to me right now. Just leave already. I need to sleep."

"Fine." He replied pushing the Mcdonalds bag to me. "Eat up."

   I closed my eyes and waited for the basement door to slam shut before I pulled out an Apple pie and small fries from Mcdonalds. I devoured it in seconds. He gave me his food, which was questionable.

   But if anyone knew Carson they way I did, if he's being nice that meant he had another trick up his sleeve.

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