Chapter 16: grayson

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After waking up squashed between two dudes you would think I'd be freaking out wondering what happened the night before. But instead, I kicked them both off the bed waking them up before I hopped off the bed.

I couldn't help but laugh at the reactions that came out of them. Gabe sat up from the floor and scowled at me, "You know what, never again will you be staying over my house." He said as he rubbed his sore head.

"Yeah never again." Grayson spoke, agreeing with him.

I looked over at Grayson who was still half asleep. I was amused right now. "You don't even live here." I told him as I walked toward him and thumped him on top of his head.

"Man I hate getting up early on a Saturday." Gabe yawns as he stands up and stretches. I watched him intently as he started walking out of his room.

"Don't leave me here with Grayson he might kill me." I said as I followed Gabe downstairs.

I followed Gabe into the living room where Bianca sat with Daisy watching cartoons. I smiled and waved at the two of them.

I couldn't help but notice the forced smile on Bianca's face. The only reason I was capable of telling it was forced was because of the amount of time's I've forced my own smile.

I didn't understand why she didn't look so pleased to see me, so quietly I retreated back upstairs and put my sneakers on. Grayson who was back in bed trying to sleep, uncovered his face from under the blanket when he felt me push him over so I could tie my laces. "What are you doing?" He asked as he looked from my shoes back up to my face.

"I'm gonna head home. I've got to be at work by four and I don't want to stay here longer than needed." I sighed as I finished tying my shoes. I stood up and grabbed my phone off of the floor where I tossed it yesterday.

I heard the faint sound of footsteps so I turned around to see Grayson trotting around the room as he pulled his shoes on. I raised an eyebrow at him, confusedly. "And what might you be doing?"

He looked up at me with a bored look on his face before rolling his eyes, "I'm taking you home. What does it look like I'm doing idiot."

I stepped toward him and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll survive. It's right around the corner."

Just as Grayson was about to reply Gabe walked back into his room, but stopped midstep as he looked at the two of us. "Where are the both of you going at nine in the morning?"

I stared at Gabe, deciding not to reply. I didn't know how to be calm and just say 'Oh just going home because I feel like your mom hates me'

Grayson must have realized I wasn't going to say anything because he decided to be the nice friend I know he is, and reply "She wants to go home, So I'm gonna take her. I'll be back right after."

Gabe's gaze dropped from him until he looked over at me, waiting for me to verify this information. I nodded at him in response. "Why though? I was just about to make us pancakes!" He whined, as a pout formed on his face.

"Yeah why do you want to leave?" Grayson asked as he to started looking at me.

The both of them continued staring at me, which made me uncomfortable and ready to break at any second. I didn't know whether it was them in general or if they casted some weird spell to tell them everything in a heartbeat.

Maybe it was because I trusted the both of them. They both knew one of my deepest darkest secrets and haven't went and blabbed it to anyone. Also, the two of them always seemed to take care of me, and made sure I was safe and okay.

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