Chapter 28: lost in nevada city

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I woke up the next morning in a park, all alone. I glanced around at my surroundings not recognizing where I was at all. Memories of what happened when Grayson brought me to my house last night came to my mind and I immediately wanted to jump off a bridge. What was he doing back here? The last time I seen him was two years ago.

I was petrified of him, when he left I thought I was free of him. Now I realize I was wrong. I can't go back to that house because for all I know he'll try to do something again. He was slick, and for a drug addict he was smart. He was just like his father, it was no surprise. I wanted him far away from me, far away from here and now I don't know how long he plans to be here and now I don't ever went to go home.

I'm also not in school either. I'm sure people are wondering where I am. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see that it was dead. I sighed and remembered my backpack was still in Grayson's car. I left it there before I went into work yesterday.

I got off the park bench I was on and started walking around in hopes of figuring out where I was. I couldn't have got that far last night but then again, I was upset, I wouldn't be surprised if I managed to make it into another state.

The streets were completely dead and I could not recognize a single thing. I ended up walking into a Coffee shop and sitting down at a table, trying to think about what I should do. I needed an iPhone charger. Maybe someone here has one? Glancing around I noticed that this place was dead the only other people in here besides me were an elderly couple.

I looked down at my dead phone and it was as if suddenly something clicked and I realized if I just find an apple store I can stand at one of the tables and charge my phone from there. So I quickly got up and went up to the counter.

"How might I help you?" A worker said coming up to the counter a smile on his face. "We have a special here-"

"Oh no no, I'm not buying anything I have no money." I told him, apologizing. "I just wanted to know if there was an Apple store around here I need to charge my phone so I can get back home. Actually, what's this city called?"

"Nevada City." He answers, eyeing me a bit. "Where are you from?"

"Around Los Angeles."

His eyes widened, "How old are you?"


"Where's your parents?"

I shrug, "Don't got any."

It was true, I really didn't have any parents. My mom was no good and my step dad was a no good too. I still didn't know if Joseph was my dad aswell. So as of now, I have no parents. I'm an orphan.

"You're nearly seven hours from home, how did you even manage to make it here?"

"I don't know I was upset last night and things happened next thing I know I'm at a bus station and I bought a ticket somewhere and I somehow ended up on a park bench a few blocks down."

He face palms and grabs a muffin from the display case in front of him and hands it to me. "Eat this and then I'll tell you where to find an Apple store to charge your phone. I'd help you but I don't know anyone that's got an iPhone I only have a galaxy. Do you know anyone's numbers by heart?"

"No." I answered. I knew Lindsay's number but she got hers changed last week because she kept getting weird calls from people. "This is so unfortunate." I said eating the muffin. I didn't realize how hungry I was. "I'm lost in Nevada City and I've never even heard of it."

"Just go eat for now, are you thirsty?" The worker asked me as he grabs a cup. I nod and watched him to take off to make me a drink. I hope he doesn't expect me to pay for this food because I have no money, I must have used the rest of what I had to pay for that bus ticket.

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