Chapter 44: today's my day

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The day after the night Ben got hit with a bat Marshall and I spent it taking care of Ben and catering to his every need. Neither of us minded though, the kid could barely even get out of bed.

We ended up bringing him home later that night because he said his Mom is really worried and he didn't want to worry her more. So we took him there and he told his Mom everything that happened, at first she flipped out and started crying saying she'll kill whoever did this to him. But after Ben explained he's okay and that's all that mattered, she got over it.

Today though.... today's the day I'm supposed to get adopted. It's ten in the morning and I've been up since six. Not only am I going home today but this day could also mean that Gray and I will be good. I've been hoping he'll be there, wishing he'll be there so part of me knows he will. I know he won't miss this day especially because he's been waiting for my happy ending for so long. I sighed, sitting on my bed. I was wearing a dress and heels. My hair was up in a really tight bun on top of my head. And when I say a bun, I mean a big bun. Also I used a toothbrush to do my edges – Ashleigh taught me how to do it.

I dressed up nice so I could impress the judge, and be on my best behavior. Carrie's supposed to be there which means I can finally get my computer back. I got off my bed and walked over to the mirror staring at myself – admiring myself. I have no bruises, nothing's wrong with me and I feel good about myself. Today's my day. I smiled into the mirror, and started using the mascara that Denise bought me.

The sound of the door creeking open caught my attention so I turned to see Marshall step in with a tuxedo on and his hair perfectly styled. "You didn't have to dress up you know."

"Are you kidding?" He smiled coming in taking pictures of me on his phone making my smile brighten. "It's your day Alexis, I'm obligated to look nice for this."

"You do look great though." I beamed at him, stepping toward him meeting him at the halfway point in my room. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight. His arms wrapped around me instantly, hugging me tighter than ever before. "I hope everything works out today."

He follows after me back to my mirror and starts taking mirror pictures of the two of us. "You know everything will. No matter what happens."

"What if the judge says no though?" I sigh, thinking of every single con I can imagine about this situation.

"They won't. Your dad is your dad. He's your biological father and if he's asking for full custody over you I see no reason for the judge to disagree." He tells me. "Not everyone is against you, just remember that when we get there and they start reading your file out loud."

"My file?" I asked, feeling insecure about what could be written in there.

"Don't fret." He said, rubbing my shoulder reassuringly. His words worked, I nodded my head and listened to him. "Your file is small.. you're still new to the system. It can't possibly be that bad. You really only ran away from home."

"Wait..." I muttered, staring at him. I never told him? I never told him did I? No... I didn't.

"Guys let's go!" Denise yells from downstairs. I stood there frozen that Marshall's going to be learning about what exactly used to go down in my house back home. He's going to learn everything when they read the file. I sighed, and headed downstairs because Denise yelled again.

        I sat in the backseat of the car, silent as ever as music played. Denise would try to make small talk but I'd barely give an audible reply. She took it as me being nervous so she'd tell me to relax. But truth is I can't. I should've told Marshall my point of view on how everything happened in my life. Instead he's gonna hear the fabricated version the court will give. I wanted to smack myself about how I never got around to telling him.

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