Chapter 11: yeah, I promise.

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Work, home, work, home. It was like my routine the entire week I was suspended. I'd go to work by eleven in the morning and work the entire day until about nine at night, then I'd walk home and go straight to my room before Tim heard me.

He hasn't put a hand on me since the day I was suspended. Tomorrow I go back to school, and I'm kind of excited in an odd way. I get to see my friends who have been calling and texting me every single day nonstop. They wanted me to hang out with them but I was working so I had to raincheck on them.

Julio decided to give me the week off since I worked everyday for an entire week which included long agonizing hours. Atleast my paycheck would be good.

I sat on my bed and pulled my laptop out. The school emailed me all the assignments I've missed and I've been doing atleast three things a night. Now, I have just two more assignments to do and then send in and I'll be caught up.

I was already half way done with one of them so I didn't have much to worry about. I opened up the document and started my essay for History. It was a basic one. I just had to write about a conqueror. I, being the basic person I am, chose Francisco Pizarro. Everyone must know who he is considering I learned about him in like third grade social studies.

My phone started ringing as I worked so I grabbed my cell phone off the bedside table and looked at the caller ID.


I answered it, knowing exactly what he was calling for. Grayson and Gabe call me every single day either early in the morning, the afternoon, or at night to make sure I'm fine. If or when I don't answer one of them will be on my roof knocking on my window. "Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"You okay?" Gabe spoke. "Gray forgot to call earlier because he was with his mom, but he told me to call you now even though it's sort of early."

I laughed, "It's almost ten thirty at night. I wouldn't consider that early. But yeah I'm fine. I haven't seen Tim in a couple days actually. The house has been extremely quiet."

It was true, the last time I saw Tim was the day I had just got home from work. He had some lady over and they were getting pretty sexual on the floor in the hallway. It was disturbing. He surprisingly said hello to me and let me go upstairs. I knew he was just trying to impress that women but I was still grateful.

"Ten thirty actually is really early. But okay fine. We'll see you in school tomorrow." Gabe laughed. "I gotta get Daisy ready for bed, mom's gotta work late tonight and dad's asleep he had a long day."

"Alright goodnight Gabe, tell Daisy I said hello." I told him, and hung up. I put my phone back to where it always is and finished my schoolwork.

By the time I finally finished, I was exhausted. The clock had read midnight and I needed to crash. I shut my laptop off and made sure my phone was plugged in and layed back on the bed, closing my eyes.

I sat there in the dark for a good twenty minutes before my body finally agreed to let me sleep.


I woke up this morning when the alarm from my phone went off. Rubbing my tired eyes, I sat up and yawned. I tried to run my hands through my hair but it was knotted and I could just tell from when I touched it that it was a poofy mess.

I got out of bed, and went to the mirror, I laughed quietly at how bad I looked.

I opened my closet up and pulled out a cute dress that Lindsay bought me a few months ago as a gift - for no reason - I never wore it but I decided I'm gonna have to make use of it before it doesn't fit. I pulled out a jean jacket and tossed the clothes on my bed before going to my dresser and opening up a drawer. I pulled out undergarments and a pair of tight black spandex shorts to wear underneath.

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