Leaving The Ruins

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Hey guys the music goes to the artist and dont play music till i say so or just play it when you want too?

It had been a week or so that you been with Toriel and Flowey like a family and that great actually you finally had a mom who take care of you and yes you call Toriel a mom. But lately the Ruins had been very small and you wanted to leave the Ruins and you told Toriel that you wanted to leave but she keep saying your not ready so you nod in sadness. Till one day you stand up to yourself and told Toriel you wanted to leave so she left and went downstairs so you follow her. You saw her up ahead when you heard something from her "Child.. Go back to your room now.." then she heads off and you follow her once again you heard her telling you to go back your room. Then you forgot.. So without her noticing you ran back to your room to get Flowey as you did you pick Flowey pot and ran back downstairs and went to the end till you saw Toriel blocking a door as you were scared cause then you remember.. In this world is "Kill or be Killed" You looked at Flowey then back at Toriel "please.. Let me go... I love you mom but i can't stay here forever.. " Toriel had like a sad look on her face as she sigh softly and you heard from her "Fine.. Unless you could prove me that your strong enough to kill me!" Then it started.... the battle..
(Play the song!)
You saw a heart in front of you as you freak out cause you thought your heart was pulled out and you quickly check your body. You the heard Flowey panicking "T-that your soul [Y/N]" You then were surpirse that the heart that came out of your body was your soul problem is that your soul was Black. It may be that cause of your personal life you used to have. You then heard Flowey talking once again "That your soul! Dodge!" You were confused so you looked at Toriel who was using Fire magic and was throwing fire ball likes thing as you try your best to dodge and you were at some point as you then saw your health bar
12/20. You were scared as it was your turn and you saw four action bar
You knew you wouldn't dare to kill your mom so you press Mercy and saw Spare and you click on it as you heard "Why are you not trying to kill me?!" You were hurt just hearing that as Toriel send more attack at you and you dodge and got hit with a powerful move And your Hp went to 1/20 as you knew this was trouble you click item. Once you click items you saw one item and it was the butterscotch cinnamon Pie as you clicked it and the item appear infront of you as it started to fall so quickly you got the item and ate it as you did your health bar maxed out. Then again it happens you dodge Toriel attacks some hit you but not that much then again you click mercy then spare this happen over and over.

((Time skip by your Mother))

It been like a 30 minutes in the battle with Toriel and you knew that all of Toriel attack were less and not hurting you as you click Mercy and Spare. She stood quiet till you did it like 4 times this last time she looked at you as she started crying and you were sad as you went over and hugged her to calm her down. It was about 10 minutes till you heard Toriel said "Child.. Your ready.. Please be safe... Here have this.." you let go of her and looked up at her as she hand you a phone, a purple clothing as you accept it and softly replied "Thank you.. Please... Don't be sad.." You smile softly as your items disappears into your inventory and went back into hugging her as you smile softly but were sad that you had to leave her as she pulled away and left back to the hallway and you turn around to see her leave as you say goodbye as you looked at Flowey who was on the ground so you picked Flowey pot up then you went over to the door and went through. You and Flowey went through some hallway and to one more Door then you pass through as you did you reach a white pathway and a you felt cold as you walked up ahead the door behind you slams shut now you were scared... Where are you now?

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