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Well you started walking up to the path where you saw Papyrus went off too as you were getting bored of walking which seems like a long time you stop to see a paper on the road so you head there and picked it up. You laughed when you looked at the paper as you then show it to Flowey on the paper it said "Puzzles" You laughed more so the paper disappears and you freaked out and was about to scream till you felt something wrapped tight around your arm. "What the?..." You looked at the arm and you follow it to where Flowey was at who was scared but was trying to not laugh. "C-calm down.. [Y/N] it went to your inventory" You sigh in relief as you head off to see an puzzle which was big more like an course and you knew this will be easy as you walked a bit more you saw a huge nothing in tje middle as you looked up ahead to see Papyrus and Sans right there but what really pissed you off was a look on Papyrus face it bugged you before you were able to talk you were rudely interupted "HUMAN!.. YOU NEVER MAKE IT OUT OF THIS PUZZLE IT AN INVISIBLE WALL WITH RAZORS AND ELECTRICITY IF ONE MOVE IS MADE YOUR GONE NYEHEHEHEH BONE BAGS MADE IT HIMSELF!" You quickly turn to see Sans who was sweating and looked a little scared to be close to Papyrus as you felt sad for Sans but you went to look back at Papyrus ".... Hmm... Flowey... What do we do here?.." You looked at Flowey cause really Flowey knew everything like a phone will know as Flowey looked back "W-well.. Maybe we can go around right?" You laugh a little as you looked back where Papyrus and Sans was at but they disappears. You just shook your head and went around the maze trap and head off

~Time Skip~

You were at another puzzles and this time was no freakin puzzle it was more of a death wish puzzle so really they did wanted to kill you and your version of puzzles will be like mini games and stuff but nope it just a death wish there was bombs, throwing knifes, fire, Bones well sharpen bones and etc.. You finally went through all of it as you were tired from dodging and running it was enough as you walked up head to see Papyrus and Sans this time with no puzzles just like a plain normal terrian as you were about to walk you were stop by a throwing bone attack. "What da heck! Are you trying to kill
.. Wait nevermind.." You sigh softly as you looked at Papyrus who was quite mad and You laugh mostly cause he was throwing a fit and that was a child move. Also it seems like Papyrus wanted you dead and you get it cause well.. It UNDERFELL for pete sakes damn. "now that im here we gotta tell you to stop with all these! We made it all here together and we didn't die so give it up!" You were brave at this time cause Underfell Papyrus failed his task to kill you so that was a good thing. You knew you might make it through to all these death puzzles amd traps and junks "AHHH.. THIS IS A SMART HUMAN BUT ALSO A FOOLISH ONE FOR COMING HERE NOW THE REAL PUZZLES COME NYEHEHEHE!" The real puzzle begin the Great underfell Papyrus vs you and flowey will this turn out great or will this puzzle actually kill you.

UnderFell Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now