Spear Master

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[S/C] Soul color


Okay lets recap what happen in something short.. We were attacked by somebody with a freakin spear and it was magical cause it was blue and wow.. It just soo much well lets say that we gonna fight someone else later

Right now~

You put Flowey on the floor and went a bit far from it so it looked like you were in a battle "O-Okay [Y/N] we barely made it out there and if that happens again you end up dying and i don't want to see that.. So for now i gonna teach you...dodge these petals.." Flowey sigh softly as send what seems like 4 petals and there were slow ones so you dodge them and after that he send more and you dodge. It seems like a hour that you kept dodging and dodging well cause the pallets went faster and faster and you got the hang of it till you took the wrong step and took all the damage leaving you on the floor and your hp to 1.. Ouch "[Y/N]!! im sorry i didn't ment to hurt you alot im sorry!" Flowey started to cry as you got up and went over to Flowey and patted his leafs... "Don't worry Flowey it okay it just a mistake that all well lets get going after i heal myself to the waterfalls" You went into your inventory then items and saw spaghetti as you click on it and.. Yup it horrible you only restore 15 hp.. Now have 16/20 so you just ignore that fact and picked up Flowey to head to waterfalls.


You were walking up to the waterfalls then you heard a louf voice louder then Papyrus.. As it sounded.. It was coming from the sky so you looked up and saw a battle armor and heck was that shiny. "RUN [Y/N]" You looked at Flowey who was scared and you did try to run for it till that dude well You think it a dude jumped of and land right in front of you as you were shocked and your [S/C] came out of your body and you shiver as you still hadn't got use to it. You then started the battle with your Action bars in front of you before you even battle your soul turn green and was confused "NYEHEH WHEN YOUR SOUL IS GREEN YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY" You gasp as you knew there must be a way so from there you click
And that didnt work cause she sending spears at you! You dodge your best and was hit once but that didnt bother you at all you had food to restore your Hp even though it bad. And again your turn and you try Act and talk and again it looked like the monster you fighting aint gonna listen and this battle took a while as you then saw your [S/C] turn back to its color and it your turn now and you went to Spare and run away and from there you left battle and ran inside the little cave and the monster follow you close. This time without the helmet you saw earlier as it looked like a fish with a eye patch.

~Time skip cause i aint falling for it~

You were close to escape as an spear was in your hand deflecting the spears thrown to you and you got hit and was now with on Hp and now it your turn.
*Paps Spaghetti
You restore 15 Hp and from there you dodge and dodge and well you couldn't run cause your soul turn green and battle and battle and really it was a real battle cause you had to protect Flowey at the same time as your soul went back to its normal color and you ran.. You ran and saw a post there and you saw UnderFell Sans taking a nap but again you were getting chased and well that got your attention you got caught in battle "FIGHT ME ALREADY YOU PUNK OR I WILL RIP YOU INTO TINY PARTS OF YOU" Sheehs talk about anger issue anyways your heart didnt change and you click Spare and run and you ran to a place that was hot as you cross a bridge and Monster follow closed by and from there as you made it to the other side the monster collapsed "I-ITS TOO HOT... HERE..." Oh god it sounds like that Fish monster is dying. You looked around for water and there was none and you remember you had water bottle so you took it out of your inventory and poured it all over the monster head and it looked like it was waking up and that was your last water bottle but you were happy you saved somebody as the fish monster woke up it looked at you "THANKS... GRR... PUNK the name is Undyne.. Well see ya later..." from there Undyne left quickly... And for you... You ran back cause well you need water..


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