Joining Fairy Tail

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This story is after the 7 years, and the GMG.  Since I haven't gotten that far, it'd only confuse me to write what I haven't watched.  I hope you enjoy my story.


I looked at the letter in my hand and looked up at the guild in front of me.  I saw the sign and said to myself "Looks like I made it."  I slung my bag higher on my shoulder and opened the door.  When I walked in all I saw was compete and total chaos.  I saw some fighting and some watching.  I walked in muttering to myself "Seems like my kinda place."

I made it to the bar and saw a woman with long white hair standing behind it.  Her hair curled slightly at the ends, she had a short pony tail on top of her head.  She had big blue eyes, and she was wearing a sleaveless, ankle-length maroon colored dress with a pleated skirt.  Her chest was magnified by the large pink bow placed there, with similar colored straps and trimmings.

She wore a small blue oval pendent and a bracelet of white flowers on her right wrist.  I sat down at the bar and she gave me a big smile and said "What brings you here to Fairy Tail?"  "I was wanting to join" I said.  "I'll go get the master" she said and rushed away.  Then the white haired lady showed up and said "My name's Mirajane, where would you like your guild mark and what color?"

"I'd like it on my left shoulder and f/c pleased" I answered.  That was when I became a Fairy Tail member.

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