After the fight

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*Reader POV*

I sat down at the bar when the blonde haired girl beside me exclaimed "That was so cool!  I've never seen anyone do that type of magic before.  What do you do?"  "And who are you?" I asked as I turned to face her.  "Oh I'm Lucy" she said and shook it.  Suddenly someone demanded "Fight me!!" from my left side.  "Natsu leave her alone I'm sure she doesn't want to fight you" Lucy said.

"Sure no problem" I said then motioned him to come closer.  When he was close enough I punched him in the stomach and watched him fall to the floor.  Then I faced Mirajane and asked "Can I have a glass of water please?"  I drank my water as I looked at the pinkette on the floor.

He was lean and muscular with spiky pink hair.  He wore a sleaveless gold trimmed black waistcoat showing his chest.  He wore a gold trimmed black cloth around his waist reaching his knees held up by a leather belt with a silver belt buckle.  To complete his outfit he wore a white knee length trousers, with a white scale pattered scarf around his neck.

After draining half my glass I leaned close towards the guy on the floor and dumped the rest of the water on his face.  He woke up instantly shouting "What was that for?!"  "I thought the water would put out your intense aura but it didn't work" I said as I crossed my arms and looked at him.  "My what?" he said confused.

"Your aura is hot you idiot, tune it down will ya.  Your a Fire Dragon if you don't watch it something will catch fire" I said.  "Hey how do you know what I am?" he asked a bit sadly.  "I'm an Elemental Dragon Slayer.  I can smell the elements around me, and your heat is intense" I said.

His black yes met mine and he smiled.  Then he gave me a hug and said "Welcome to the family." Lucy then grabbed my hand and said "I'll introduce you to everyone." Then dragged me around the guild introducing me.

When we were done Lucy left me at the bar saying that she had to go home.  She waved and left and I faced Mirajane again.  "Do you have anyplace to stay?" she asked as she placed a glass of water in front of me.  "Not yet I was going to see if I could find in Inn somewhere and rent a room" I said taking a drink.  "You can stay a Fairy Hills.  It's the girl's dorm rooms we have in Magnolia" she said as she wiped the bar.  "How much?" I asked rolling the glass in my hands.

"It's 100,000 jewels a month" she said.  My eyes opened wide an she said while laughing "You'll see that the jobs on the board can cover your rent every month."  She pointed towards the board covered in papers.  "Umm I have a slight problem there" I said and chuckled nervously.  "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well uh I have trouble reading.  Abraxas taught me the little he knew but it wasn't much.  He was an esentric dragon.  He taught me all the advanced spells he knew, taught me how to talk.  He taught me my letters but when he left I couldn't find anyone to teach me.  The person who I stayed with wasn't much for reading either.  He improved my writing, and taught me more magic and so on.  I know how to read but I still tend to have touble" I admitted reluctently.  

"That's all right I'm sure Levy will help if you ask her.  She's right over there with those 2 guys over there.  You can't miss her" she said with a smile.  I nodded and said "I'll rent a room until I can find a plae of my own."  "That's the spirit!" she said and gave me another smile.  I finished my water and said "Thanks Mira!" and headed towards Levy.  When I reached her I gently caught her attention.  "I need to ask you something" I said and sat down.  "What do you need?" she asked closing the book she was reading.

I explained my problem and she said "Of course I'll help.  But may I ask why you need my help?" I looked at my hands and told her my story.  "Ah I see that's interesting.  You've had a very interesting turn of events haven't you" she said with a smile.  "Yes" I admitted sheepishly.  She stood up took my and and siad "I'll take you to the dorm's.  We'll get everything situated when we get there.  Get your stuff."

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