For Fairy Tail

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The room was quiet until he said "Y/N, I didn't expect you to join Fairy Tail."  I gerked my arms out of the guards hold and walked up towards him.  "I'll not let you do it Father.  I'll not let you take my family."  I growled at him as I got in his face my hands on my hips.  "I'm your family and you'll do as I say" the Gran Doma said.  "You stopped being family the day you left" I said.  "Fairy Tail is" he began.  

"My family.  My home.  They took me in when I had no where else to go.  Fairy Tail is more than a guild Father.  They are a family.  They laugh together, they cry together.  They FIGHT for eachother.  That's why their so powerful, because they love eachother.  I'll not let you tear them apart, not if I can stop it" I said and looked him in the eye.

"They are destructive.  They are impulsive" he said.  "That's why we always win.  Fairy Tail has saved more people than the buildings they have destroyed.  They've fixed their damages.  Fairy Tail is unpridictable, another reason why we win.  Together we are strong.  You can't break them apart, you'd be killing any chance of saving anybody from other forces out there."  I said crossing my arms and leaning against a statue.

"How do you propose to stop me?" he asked.  I stepped up towards him as I summoned my power.  Every step I took my magic level rose until blue flames surrounded my body.  My body warmed as my power surged through me and when I reached him I said "By taking their place."  "You will work for me?" the chairman asked.  "Yes" I said as I lowered my magic power.  "You'll do what I order you to do?" he asked.  "Yes" I said.  "Why are you doing this for us?" he asked.

"I'm not doing anything for you old man, I'm doing this for Fairy Tail for my family, not for you" I answered with a glare.  He sighed and pulled out a quill and a few pieces of parchment.  "Sign this"  he said and handed me the quill.  I checked over his terms and added a few of my own.  He called Lahar over to take a look at it and he read off our terms "Y/N is requesting a full pardon for any mistakes Fairy Tail has committed or will commit in the future if she works for the council.  As well as to be allowed to go home when the council is through with her results.  The Chairman requests that Y/N works for as long as she is needed.  That Y/N is to stay here until sent home, she is not allowed to say anything about this deal to anyone, as well as where she will be or where she will be going."

"Sounds reasonable enough" the Chairman said and passed the quill over to me to sign, and I did and he signed after me.  When it dried he rolled it up, sealed it, and kept it. He pulled out another parchment and wrote out a full pardon to Fairy Tail.  After it dried he rolled it up, sealed it and gave it to me.  I faced the Chairman and said "Chairman I request one more night with my mate before I leave."  "Granted" he said and I teleported back to the guild's double doors.

I opened the doors and walked in.  I quickly made my way towards the bar.  "Mira I need to see the master" I said.  She nodded and quickly left.  She was back quickly with the master in tow.  "Y/N you wanted to see me?" he asked.  I handed him the parchment and said "Read it."  He opened it and shouted "Fairy Tail has been pardoned!  We don't have to disaband!  How in the world did you get this?!"  I sighed and said "Let's say I called in a family favor.  I have a family member on the council."  "Who?!" Natsu shouted as he gave me a hug.

I pulled away and said nothing.  Everyone cheered and I was left alone, looking at everyone laughing and smiling made me smile a small smile.  I felt arms around me and I smiled a real smile when I turned and saw Gajeel standing there.  "Is there anything wrong?" he asked.  "No I'm just tired" I said and yawned.  "Then let's get home and go to bed" he said and kissed my forehead.  I stood up and wrapped an arm around his waist.  I teleported to my home, where we stripped and laid in bed holding eachother.

I stayed awake for awhile, snuggling in Gajeel's arms.  I didn't want the night to end.  I didn't want to leave, and soon fell asleep cuddled in his arms.  I woke up before dawn and gently untangled my limbs from his.  I went to the bathroom and cleaned up careful not to wake him.  I quietly got dressed and packed a bag.  I penned a short letter placing it on my pillow.

Then I walked over to his side kissed his lips gently, pressed my forehead against his and said "I love you."  Then I teleported to the council room where my father was waiting.

Fairy Tail GajeelXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now