*4 days later*

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I was in the shower the next afternoon when Gajeel entered the bathroom with my bag. When I reached for it, he pulled it away and asked "What do I get for getting it for you?" I stepped up to him grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom.  I tossed my bag over my shoulder and toook Gajeel's hand.  I transported us to the guild and when we walked in everone in the guild stared.  

They saw the hickies and scratches that marked our uncovered skin.  We looked at eachother and smiled.  I stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and turned to leave when he caught my arm.  He turned me around then gave me the most arousing kiss ever.  When he finally let go he leaned down and whispered "Later sweetheart."  

I smiled then went towards the bar.  When I sat down I winced slightly, and saw Mirajane fan herself and saw "That was just plain hot."  I smirked and said "I know."  "What can I getcha?" she asked.  "A water please" I said and took the glass she gave me.  Then my belly growled and I said "And any kind of food."  "Well what do you expect from staying in a room for 4 days straight?  From what I heard you shouldn't be able to talk" she said pushing a plate towards me.

"I know the Barbarian wouldn't let me surface from the covers long enough to eat.  The Damn Dragon almost killed me.  There were a couple of times when I didn't think I'd make it" I muttered taking a big bite out of the sandwhich.  "But I bet you enjoyed every minute spent in that bed" Mira said with a wink.  I swallowed and said with a blush "And everywhere else to."  Mira laughed when I added "I've got the battle scars to prove it."  "I'll say is there any part of you that boy didn't mark?" she asked.  I took another bite to avoid answering.  I polished off the sandwich and asked for another one.

"Boy aren't you hungry" she said with a laugh.  "What do you expect?  I was in a locked room with a horny dragon for 4 days and 3 nights.  Some times I wondered if I'd be able to walk to the bathroom, all the while he's holding me in bed grinning like a loon absolutely pleased with himself." I growled taking a big bite.

I took another bite.  "Maybe you should take him to your new home" she suggested.  "Why?" I asked.  "So that the other girls can get some sleep" she said with a smile.  I gulped nodded then asked "Can you make more of these for me?"  "How many?" she asked.  "4. Oh and add a whole lotta iron in that order to" I said.  "Sure thing.  You go on and get your man" she said and I walked over towards him.  I reached out to touch his shoulder when I was stopped.  I turned and saw Natsu there.  "Don't bother him while he's eating he'll clobber you good" he said.  "I'll take my chances" I said and touched Gajeel's shoulder.

He reached out towards me and pulled me onto his lap.  He finished chewing the iron in his mouth, swallowed and asked "You dare to bother me while eating?"  I nodded and said "Yes I wanted to take you home."  He kissed my forehead and said "We just left there not to long ago."  I chuckled and said "Barbarian my HOME not my old dorm."  "Shorty" he said warningly.  "The only reason I'm so small to you is because your so big" I said and kissed his neck.  His body tensed underneath me and I heard him swallow.  "Sweetheart you know your playing a dangerous game" he said hotly.

I nodded and said "I've decided that I like playing with fire, when it comes to you."  He stood up quickly with me in his arms and headed towards the bar.  He grabbed my bag and the backpack Mira handed him.  He literally ran towards the door and I waved to everyone, and quickly teleported us to my new home.  Willow saw me and shouted "Y/N your back!!" 

Then she saw Gajeel holding me and said "Y/N are you hurt? Why is that man holding you?"  "No Willow I'm fine and he's going to be living with us" I answered.  "Why?" she asked.  "Because I'm her mate" he growled then asked me "So where is it?" "Where is what?" I said.  "Your new home" he said.  "But we're here.  By the way I haven't seen Pantherlily in awhile where is he?" I said.  

"He said he would be staying with Wendy and Carla until mating season's over.  And what do you live in, a tree?" he answered.  "That means I have enough time to make a bed for him.   And no I don't live in a tree?" I said.  "Then where?" he asked.  I pointed towards the curtain of Ivy over the cave entrance.  He walked over to it and asked "You live in a cave?"  "No it's not a cave.  I'll see you later Willow.  The place looks great by the way" I said.

Willow clapped and said "I'm glad you like it."  Gajeel walked through the curtain and put me down.  "It looks like and smells like a cave to me" he said skeptically.  I laughed as we continued walking down deeper into the cave.  When I reached the door I unlocked it and openened it and Gajeel followed.  "Wow. I never would have expected this" he said awe in his voice.  "I know I found it while on a job.  The job was simple enough, find the cause of the burns, find the buried treasure bring it back get 2 million jewels.  Used half a mil to bring it up to shape, as well as stock it" I replied taking the bags from him.

"I'm hungry" he said as his belly rumbled, then added "And I left my iron at the guild."  I smiled as I got a couple of plates off the  2nd shelf from the cupbard.  I opened the backpack on the table and put the sandwiches on a plate and put the iron on the other and asked "So the iron I had Mira pack doesn't count?"  I felt hands on my waist and felt his breath on my ear as he said "I"m the luckiest man in the world."  I smiled and said "Let's eat."  I made Gajeel eat 2 of the sandwiches before eating the iron, and I smiled at him.  When we were done I read a book to him on the couch after he started the fire.

Gajeel laid his head on my lap, and listened to the story I was telling as I played with his hair.  When I paused for breath Gajeel said softly "This place is perfect Y/N.  It's to perfect."  "What do you mean Gajeel?" I asked setting the book down.  "Y/N you deserve perfection, and I am far from perfect" he explained softly.  "I don't want you to be perfect Gajeel."  I said just as softly.  I touched his cheek making him look at me as I pushed forward  "I like you just the way you are.  Nobody is perfect, Everyone has flaws.  You are who you are."

Suddenly I felt his lips on mine.  The kiss was sweet and filled with love.  It was so sweet that it brought tears to my eyes.  Gajeel softly cupped my cheek, and when we pulled away this thumb traced my bottom lip. 

When he looked up and in the instant that our eyes met I knew.  I knew that I'd love him forever, that death would be the only thing that would take me from him.  And with that knowledge engraved in my heart, in my soul I smiled.  The knowledge shown in my eyes and I knew the instant he understood.  The fire danced across his face, flashing against the studs on his face and arms.  It accented his face, and as he slowly leaned forward to kiss me I saw it.  The instant he pulled away after giving me a long sweet kiss, I saw it shining bright in his eyes.  I saw love in it's purest rawest form and I saw it in this dragon slayer.

To think that this slayer, no this man who had been so lost in this world was cabable of having this love to give boggled my mind.  And I intended to show him that he didn't waste it.  We held eachother all night long, showing eachother what we hadn't the courage to say.  Not knowing that a few days from now would tear us apart.

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