Talking about it

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Y/A/N: Your Aunts name


You and Luke have been married for five months now and lets be honest you had baby fever. You've always wanted a big family so it's started right after you got married, but now it's gotten bad.  Today you and Luke were walking around the mall hand in hand when a couple of fans stopped Luke. The mother wanted a picture of him with her two daughters and there baby. "Can you take a picture too?" She questioned. "Sure" I smiled. I took the baby from Luke's arms. I bounced the baby up and down and she let out a giggle. I giggled back at her and started to make some faces at her to make her laugh even more. She took the picture and I got a little sad that I had to give the baby back. "You have an adorable baby" I commented "Thank you" She smiled. "Bye" I cheered as me and Luke walked away. An hour later we were at home and I was putting away our bags. "Babe!" Luke called out. "Up here" I called back. I felt his hands going around my waist. "Hey baby I was thinking about how you looked at that baby I was wondering would you like to have one?" He questioned. "Yes!" I screamed turning around smashing my lips into his.


You have been married for 3 months and now he was beginning to have baby fever. He didn't think you noticed but you did. The way he would look at the baby clothes in the store. The way he cooed at babies. The way his eyes lit up when baby commercial came on. They way his head shot up when someone mention a baby or the word baby.  Today we were at Mali's babysitting her son, daughter and her new baby girl. I cooked some Mac and cheese for everyone. I went over and picked up the baby. "Come on guys follow me" I called them over to the table and sat them down putting the Mac And Cheese in front of them. I sat down in front of the baby and waited for  it to cool down. I cooed at the baby and fed her Mac and Cheese. After a while I had everyone down for the naps. I went and sat down by Calum. "You would make a great mom" Calum whispered in my ear. "Is this the way your tell me you want kids?" I question "Maybe" He whispered sheepishly "Alright let's have one" I replied with a big smile.


There was a family party in Ireland, so you guys flew out to go and maybe stay for a week just to relax. Ashton was talking to Niall will you were rolling a ball back and forth with your little cousin who was 2. Y/A/N came up to Ashton and started to talk to him but you didn't hear a word they said because you were to focused on the baby. "So Ashton when do you think you and Y/N are going to have kids?" She questioned. "I was actually gonna talk to her about it later" he smiled after the party you went to a spare room in the house and sat down. "Hey baby can we have a baby?" Ashton asked "YES" you screamed maybe a little to loud as the people in the house started cheering. 


You watched as Michael held Luke's little girl. "I'll be your favorite uncle, I'll dye your hair, I'll keep boys away from you, I'll do everything for you. Watching made you think about how much you wanted a baby. You have been married for 4 months that's long enough right?. After a while you said goodbye to Luke's wife because you wanted to let her rest. When you got home you were shoved up against the wall and kissed hungrily. "I want a baby" you mumbled into the kiss. "So do I" he mumbled back picking you up and carrying you upstairs. "Let's have one then" you giggled 

5sos Pregnancy Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now