Finding Out

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Y/Bff/N= Your bestfriends name+


I pressed my face to the cold seat of the toilet not wanting to throw up anymore. Nothing left in my stomach but acid. I felt another wave come up as tears pricked my eyes. I leaned back over the bowl and started throwing up again. Soon someone was holding my hair and rubbing my back. After I stop throwing up I looked up to see Luke my husband. "Why didn't you wake me baby?" He questioned showing the worry and hurt in his eyes. "I just wanted to sleep" I mumbled. "Next time wake me up,but let's get you cleaned up". He replied helping me up and over to the sink so I could wipe my face and brush my teeth. We went back to bed and I cuddled up into Luke not waking up anymore that morning to throw up. I woke up in a cold bed. I frowned when I saw a note on Luke's pillow. 

I noticed on the candler that you were late, I know we've been trying. I had to go to the studio, but I got you 3 pregnancy tests just in case, Love you lots xxx. 

I totally forgot about my period, but I am late. I quickly grabbed the bag with the tests in it and ran to the bathroom and took them. I set the timer for 5 minutes on my phone s. I sat against the cool tile of the bathroom floor the test on the side of the room. The timer beeped, that was  probably the longest 5 minutes of my life. I slowly got up and went to the pregnancy tests and looked down..... Positive,Positive and Positive. We were having a baby and I couldn't wait. 


Calum and I  have been trying for a baby for 2 months now, but we haven't had any luck. I've had the signs of a pregnancy , but they went away after a week. This time they were stronger and longer. I didn't trust the at home test, so I booked a doctors appointment for 5. It was now 4:00, but I was craving some french fries from mcdonalds. I got in my car and went to mcdonalds and got some fries by the time I got them it was 4:20. I drove to the doctors finishing  my fries and it was about 4:50 when I got there.  I checked in then waited for me to get called. About 15 minutes later I was called to the room. "Hello Mrs.Hood" The doctor smiled. "Hello" I replied back flashing a smile. "So what did you come in today?" She questioned. "Well my husband and I have been trying for a baby and I keep getting false remarks, but this time the signs have been stronger and haven't gone away so I was hoping if you could do some blood work to see if I am?" I questioned. "Sure let's get started" She smiled.  It would be a couple days for the results and I was just anxious. "Hello Mrs.Hood, we got the results back would you like to know right now or would you like to take it home and find out?" The doctor said."Right now please" I smiled. "Well congrats Mrs.Hood you are in fact pregnant, You can get transfers to the desk and make an ultrasound appointment, have a good day see you soon" the doctor said. "Thank you" I replied. Finally we were having a baby.


"Stupid flu" I muttered getting up from the toilet. I flushed it, then went over to the sink taking out my mouth wash and tooth paste. After I finished brushing my teeth, I went to the kitchen and past the candler. I walked past it, but then walked backwards noticing something wasn't right. I scanned the candler looking at the dates. I missed my period, I never miss my period. Then I remembered Michael and I have spent these past  3 months trying for a baby. I started to piece everything together, The throwing up, The weird cravings, Sudden weight gain, Missing my period. I could be pregnant, I decided to call up Y/BFF/N and ask her to get the tests not wanting the paps to catch me, since they now follow me around, since I am officially Mrs.Clifford. I picked up my phone and went to Y/BFF/N contact name. It rung 3 times before she picked it up. "Hello?" She questioned. "Hey Y/BFF/N, I was wondering if you could pick me up some pregnancy tests?" I questioned. I heard a squeal threw the phone. "Omg are you going to have a baby?" She questioned. "I don't know,but all I do know is that I missed my period"  I answered. "Okay i'll be over there in 5 minutes with 2 tests just to make sure" She answered. "Thank you Y/BFF/N see you soon" I replied hanging up. 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up  to find Y/BFF/N  standing with two test. "Thank you Y/BFF/N" I smiled I pulled her into a hug.  Go take the test and suddenly she pushed me. "Go take it" She said while pushing me once again.  I took both test and grabbed my phone putting a timer on for 5 minutes. I went downstairs and sat by Y/BFF/N. "What did they say?" she questioned. "It takes 5 minutes slow down" I laughed. The timer finally went off. "That felt like forever" I laughed getting up and going to check the tests. 2 pink + signs. "Y/BFF/N I'M HAVING A BABY!" I cheered. 


 Ashton was worried sick when he saw you in front of the toilet again this morning. So he went out and bought you a test since you guys were trying . "I'm giving it a few more days Ashton" You called. "Fine" He muttered knowing he wasn't going to win this. But here I am again puking my guts out a week later. Ashton was at the studio, so after being sick for the third time today, you decided to take it. He had bought you 5 tests so you had a lot to take. After taking 5 of them you had to wait 10 minutes because it's what the box. I put the timer on for 10 minutes and went off to go cook a grilled cheese,  because I was craving it. It took about 10 minutes to make since I was slow. The timer went off for both the grilled cheese and the tests. I went upstairs in the bathroom and looked at all the test.1 + 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+. All the test were positive. I started to cry but because of tears of joy since we've been trying for 5 months now to have a baby and now we finally are. 

(Sorry Ashton's is short because I started to run out of ideas)

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