Bringing The Babies Home +Outfits

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Since they were born in the winter, you had them bundled up in the warmest clothes you can find. But, also the cutest outfits you can find since you were a fashion designer and just loved clothes. You had dressed the girls up in these wool coats with fur around the hood, a little beanie hat. a onesies matching their coat color, leggings, and matching booties. Scarlett wearing the gray outfit and Violet wearing the white one. "You got everything Luke?" you questioned looking around the hospital, they had you stay a week since you had twins. "Yes I do, you got the twins dressed?" he asked. "Yes come see how cute they are!" you said excitedly but quiet enough so they didn't wake up. "Awh my little fashion ladies" he said. "Lets get going, I can't wait to get them home" You said.  "Alright babies, this is your new home" You whispered  to them. You and Luke carried them around the whole house showing them every room. The nursery was your last spot. "This is your guys room, We hope you like it" You said sitting down in love seat. You and Luke enjoyed your first night in your home. 


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You were at the hospital for two weeks. Since you had a c-section they kept you to heal. You spent a lot of your time online shopping for baby clothes. Also just bonding with your baby too. Everyone was in and out but you couldn't be more excited to spend the night home. Since it was hot out, but babies still get cold easily you had dressed your little Jason in a dinosaur  pant onesie. Calum had picked it out and it was actually really cute. "Welcome home baby Hood" You guys said opening the door to your house. "Let's get comfy " Calum said. You guys sat on the sofa holding your baby boy to your chest. "Lets have another" Calum said. "Slow down boy" You said giggling. 


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It was a chilly outside so you bundled them up but not too much since it wasn't freezing. You had found these really cute hoodie and sweatpants outfit. One was pink for lily the other one was blue for Lucas. You had been released from the hospital two days later. The water helped a lot with the pain and the tearing. So you were able to go earlier which you were grateful for. Finishing touches were put on the nursery while you were gone. Gifts were put in the room. The house was cleaned thanks to Michaels mom and your mom. "Welcome home baby Cliffords" Michael said opening the door. The babies were confused by the new environment but quickly fell asleep, setting them in their cribs you and Michael sat down and just relaxed watching the two babies. 


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You've been stuck in the hospital for four weeks now. It's been  a nightmare. Sure the boys have been around but you just want out of this room. You want to be home. The boys said they would stay for the first week of the babies to help Ashton out since you couldn't do much. Today you were going home everything was pack up into the back of the van with both of the twins in the middle with you, Ashton and Lucas in the back, while Michael and Calum were upfront and driving. Finally arriving to the house, you got more excited to be home  with your babies. Right away you had shown them around the house and then had taken them to their nursery. You watched as your babies fell asleep soundly in their home. 

This is the last part of the pregnancy series

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This is the last part of the pregnancy series. If you guys see stuff changing in this book its because I wasn't happy with some parts and will be editing. Thank you guys for reading stay tuned for the baby series. 

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