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You were lying on the bed, the back propped up for you. The nurse was stood besides you, holding a wet cloth which was cold. Just to cool you down. "Okay Y/N. Your contractions are only for minutes apart each, and you're 10cm Dilated so let's get started." The doctor explained. "I'll tell you when to push. Once I have counted to ten, you have a rest" The doctor added as you nodded. "Another contraction started, the doctor told you to push and you did. Once he stopped counting you stopped to take a breath. You were told to push, again. Your husband was whispering encouraging words into your ears

3 hours and 20 minutes later

One baby was out and the next was coming in quick "I see the head. I need you to push again" The doctor announced Even though you were tired you gave another giant push. "She's not holding back. I need another big push for the shoulders" The doctor told you. You squeezed Luke's hand as you pushed harder than the last. 'One last push Y/N" The doctor encouraged. You gave him one last push and the crying became once again making tears well up in your eyes."You did it" Luke whispered. You watched as the nurses cleaned off your baby. "Want to cut the other cord Luke?" The doctor asked Luke nodded before getting up and walking to the silver counter. He showed Luke were to cut and then Luke cut it again. The nurses brought both babies to you guys and put them in your arms.

Scarlett Rose Hemmings Born on January 17th 2017 at 4:20pm weighing 6 and 1/2 pounds and 16 inches long and Violet Rae Hemmings born at 4:25pm weighing 5 pounds and 15 inches long.

Calum Hood:

Alright Y/N lets roll you to the surgery" My doctor said. I was getting a c-section done. They put the drugs in my system and now they were starting to kick in. So they wanted to get this done as soon as possible. "Are you okay to watch Calum" I questioned. "I hope" he said making me laugh. "Okay Y/N we are going to get started. They started on cutting you open and you closed your eyes for this part. They put a mirror so you can see. "Okay we are going to take him out now Mrs.Hood. Calum and I watched in Aw as they pulled him out. His cries filled the room and I started to ball. Calum cut the cord, they cleaned him up and gave him to Calum. As i started to dose off as the drugs became stronger so they could stitch me up. 

Jason David Hood born on August 3rd at 9:15 pm 2017 weighing 7.50 pound and 19 inches 

Michael Clifford:

"Okay Y/N lets get you in the pool" My midwife said. Michael and her grabbed both of my arms and gently helped me into the pool. "This is nice and warm not cold thank god" I said making them giggle. "Okay we are going to check how dilated you are" the doctor said. "Okay you can start pushing with the contractions" she said making me happy. "Alright one, two, three." I pushed hard, trying to ignore the pain. I squeezed Michael's hand. "Another one" I pushed again. "Okay the heads out now I'm going to need a big push for the shoulders". I let out a big push. "Okay here he is!" She said holding him up. "Now lets get this girl out" She was a little harder it defiantly took longer for her. "Here you guys go" The doctor said putting them on my chest."Their beautiful" Michael whispered kissing my head.

Lucas Gordon Clifford born on November 30th at 7:43 pm weighing 7 pounds and 18 inches and Lilly Alex Clifford born on November 30th at 7:55 pm weighing 6.5 pounds and 16 inches

Ashton Irwin:

"Okay Mrs.Irwin time for your c-section. We had decided to have a c-section since there was no way, I was pushing out two babies. "It's going to be simple, you already have the medicine so we are going to cut you open, take the babies out and then put you back together" My midwife said. "Okay sounds easy enough." "Are you going to be able to watch Ashton?" I questioned. "Yes i'm going to be right there holding your hand" He replied. And he kept his word he was right there. All two babies got pulled out and he only moved to cut their cords. "I'm so proud of you" He said. "If I ever have two more babies again i'll kill you Irwin" I said. Everyone just laughed.

Ryan Trevor Irwin born October 25th 2017 at 5:45 pm weighing 7.5 pounds and 17 inches,  and Rider Justin Irwin born on October 25th at 5:51 pm weighing 6 pounds and 16 inches.

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