Telling Him

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I scrolled threw pictures of cute ways to tell your husband you were pregnant until one caught my eye. It was a metal guitar pick that said soon to be dad with a music note and then the date. The date for me would be January 2017 (Just pretend it will be 2017). I called up a place that made stuff out of metal and put engraves in it. "Hello?" A man spoke. "Hello, I was um wondering if you could engrave stuff on a metal guitar pick and maybe if you have a metal guitar pick ?" I questioned hoping they would "Yes we can and yes we do" The man spoke into the phone. "You can tell me what want on it and you could come pick it up in an hour" He replied. "Can you please put soon to be dad and then put a music note and then put on the Janaury 2017 please". "No thing can I get your name" He asked. "Y/N Hemmings" I smiled "Okay we will have it done in an hour" He replied. "Thank you so much i'll see you later" I replied. "It's no problem bye" He replied hanging up.

*Time Skips*

I just now picked up the pick and was now heading home. Luke should be home in a few hours. I got out of my car and was heading inside. I placed the cute little bag that held the pick in it on the table beside me and started to take out the chicken I was cooking for dinner today. "Babe?" I heard Luke call. I smiled as I did not know he was home. "In the kitchen babe" I called out. I felt two strong arms wrap around me. "I got something for you babe" I smiled turning off the stove top. I grabbed the small blue bag and handed it to him. "What's this?" He questioned. "Just open it" I replied. He took out the small pick wrapped in tissue paper my smile grew bigger as he slowly on wrapped it. He took out the pick and a look of confusion spread around his face until he read it a smile as big as mine appear on his face his blue eyes lighting up. "Is it true?" He questioned. "Yup!" I smiled. I was engulfed into a big hug when that was over he went to his knees and miss my flat tummy. "I love you both of you" He smiled.


Calum did not know I went to the doctors. I'm going to decide to make to tell him were finally having a baby. I loved to back so I decided to make some cookies to write a message on it. I pulled into the grocery store. I grabbed cookie mix, frosting, the tubed frosting you use to write messages with, and heart cookie cutters. I also grabbed some oreos and other stuff. I got home and put everything on the counter and started to make the  cookies. I wiped my forehead with my arm from the oven I was starting to sweat. I heard the oven beep and I put on an oven mitt on and grabbed the cookies I picked up the cookies and put them on the plate i took off the oven mitt and grabbed the plate carrying it to the living room and putting in on the coffee. I sat down on the couch really worn out. I laid down and pulled a blanket on me I fought to keep my eyes.
~Time Skips~
I was awoken by someone shaking me. "BABE" Calum yelled. "Hm" I hummed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Are we really having a baby?" He questioned. I nodded my head and opened my arms for a hug. When he gave me a hug I pulled him on to the couch just wanting to cuddle. "Good night babies" Calum whispered kissing my head.


I got up really early and printed off a sheet that said Hi Daddy can't wait to meet you then had a heart then it said I love you. I took the two test and put it on the edges. I got out the pancake mix,bacon, eggs, and hash browns. I went to crack open a egg but when I did I felt like I was going to throw up. I quickly went to the garbage can and started to throw up I tried to be super quite not to wake Michael. Thank got it didn't. I quickly threw out the eggs and took out the trash and then I went to clean up. After that I blended the pancake mix and started to cook them because those cook quicker than bacon. I put the hash browns in a pot and let them cook. I started to finish up the pancakes. I opened the pack up and started to cook it. About 30 minutes later everything was done. I grabbed one of the Tv trays and put everything on it making sure to put the test in the middle of the tray. I went upstairs careful not to drop anything. I entered the room and smile seeing Michael cuddled up to my pillow. I put the tray down and sat next to him brushing his hair out of his face. "Baby" I whispered. Nothing. "Michael" I spoke louder. Nothing. I grabbed the pillow and started to hit him with it. "Hm babe what are you doing?" he whispered. "I made you breaky in bed" I giggled grabbing the tray. "Aw babe you did have to do that" He replied sitting up. I put the tray down on his lap an waited. "Babe" He smiled. "Yes" I replied batting my eye lashes. "Are you for real?" He questioned. "Yup" I smiled kissing his check and stealing a piece of bacon off the plate. "Hey" He pouted. "Sorry the baby's hungry" I smiled.


Tonight was game night this was a tradition when you guys were dating so you kept it going. Today you were playing scrabble and I decide to tell him tonight. You put all the tests on the board and then with the pieces you spelled You Are Going To Be A Dad. Right now he was making popcorn and getting you drinks. So you set it up. I sat down in the chair with a big smile on my face. "Popcorn for my wonderful wife" He said waltzing into the living room kissing me on the cheek. Let's play babe" He smiled taking his seat not seeing the board yet. He finally look down his eyes widen He looked up at me the board and then my tummy tears welled up in his eyes as he walked over to me getting down on his knees he put his hands on my tummy and lifted up my shirt. "We're having a baby" He smiled. "Yup" I replied tears welling up in mine. He got up and pulled me up with him and gave me a big hug whispering I love you over and over again. We are having a baby a little baby

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