Dangerous crazy_dreamer

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Wow these interviews have so many reads already! That makes me feel good what would make me feel better is if you people would go read some of these stories I posted here I would appreciate it. So I am going to ask all of you to please go to one of these stories and read at least the first 2 chapters then make a comment and vote on your favorite chapter. If you do pm me saying you did and I will either give you a dedication and shoutout or an interview and read on your story your pick!


By: crazy_dreamer

Me 1. What is the genre?

C 1.  Teen fiction and Romance

Me 2.Where did you get the idea and what inspired you to write the story?

C 2. I got the idea from punk edits of one direction. lol

Me 3. What is your story about?

C 3. Natalie is a small town girl who is quiet and follows the rules. She has been in England all her life with her best friend Tara. They go out for coffee one day and meet a boy. Not just any boy, dangerous boy.

Me 4. Why should people read your story?

C 4.  People should read it because no one is famous in it

Me 5. What makes your story unique?

C 5.  Its unipue because Niall is being Forceful

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