Out of Sight (One Direction) By: LetMeBleed

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Out of Sight (One Direction)

By: LetMeBleed

Me 1. What is the genre?

L Fan Fiction | | Action

Me 2. Where did you get the idea and inspiration?

L The idea came from a discussion in the clubs. It was about how there wasn't an original idea for a One Direction fan fiction. It really got me thinking. I wanted to do something original for the fans of One Direction. I'm not a directioner any more but, I feel they deserved something better. The inspiration comes from my fans and everyone who likes or reads my books.

Me 3. What is the story about?

L Her only wish was to meet One Direction. They were her idols, her inspiration, her saviours or so she thought. Cheyanne Mason is the typical directioner who listens to their music and wants to be dating one of them. One day Cheyanne is walking down the streets of London and hears some commotion coming from a nearby alleyway. She looks down the alleyway and sees One Direction she’ll have to make a tough decision; To save the band or to let them go. What was happening in that alleyway? Will One Direction be okay? Will Cheyanne bring herself to make the right decision? Will there be someone who can help her? Find out in Out of Sight.

Me 4. Why should people read your stories?

L I think people should read it because, it's not like every other One Direction fan fiction you typical see. It's take a whole new perspective on One Direction.

Me 5. Why is your story unique?

L It's original and I haven't seen one idea like it.

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