Book Interviews!!!!

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Hi I am Kayla and here is where I am posting book interviews! These are all undiscovered! If you would like yours done pm me! Please give these people a chance and read their story! Thanks for reading!

                                                                                  Aboulute Alliteration

                                                                                       By: KayStarrfield

Me  1. What is The Genre?

  1. The genre is a little hard to place because it is my own invention but usually they are funny or spiritual.

Me   2. Where did you get the idea for your poems? How were you inspired?

K    2.  I got the idea off the top of my head when studying alliteration in my 10th grade English class. SoI think people should read my poems because they are unique, and simple. Most of them don't have a deep hidden meaning, but are simply there to entertain.

 I asked my teacher if it was possible to write a short poem consisting of words only starting with the same letter. She said it was impossible. So naturally, I set out to prove her wrong. These poems are what resulted.

Me   3. What are your poems about?

K    3. Various things I write about whatever I can starting with the same letter but I tried to stick to my values and write what I was passionate about.

Me   4. Why should people read your poems?

K   4.   I think people should read my poems because they are unique, and simple. Most of them don't have a deep hidden meaning, but are simply there to entertain.

Me  5. Why are your poems unique?

K   5. The method in which they were written, the fact that they are - for the most part - carefree and goofy, and that they were written my me. LoL

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